What Rhymes with Orange?

Which proves that, if a thread starts out horrible, it can still get verse. . .and verse. . .and never reverse.

Ray (badder and really threadbare)

That’s very similar to an old Ogden Nash poem (which I do not totally remember):
Old indeed but not by the illustrious Mr. Nash:

A wonderful bird is the pelican,
His bill will hold more than his belican,
He can take in his beak
Food enough for a week,
But I’m damned if I see how the helican.

By Dixon Lanier Merritt 1916

Lex Non Favet Delictorum Votis


OK, if you must know…


Tom Lehrer provided the first satisfactory answer to this question when he wrote

Eating an orange
While making love
Makes for a bizarre enj-
Oyment thereof.

Let’s tie this into two other threads

Barney Ruble jobs one (he was a lyricist):

Fred: OK let me think of a line. How about "My mother’s hair was orange and then it turned to silver. OK Barney you think of a lot of words to rhyme with orange and silver. (the jist is they say orange and silver are the only words in the English language that have no rhymes. Untrue there are many, many others)

Tie in to the Puff ‘n’ Stuff thread:

Witchy Poo: Oranges pornges who cares? Oranges pornges who cares? Oranages pornges who cares? Ain’t no word to rhyme with oranages.

What about sporrans?

That kind of almost nearly rhymes, if you squint a bit with your head tilted.

“Vyvyan! Where did you get that Howitzer?” “…I found it.”

The Legend Of PigeonMan - updates every Wed & Sat

Of course, you can always reply in another language:
I want to eat the orange
Je voudrais manger l’orange.

Sorry, that doesn’t work. In English, the word “orange” is pronounced “OR-inge.” In French, it’s pronounced, “aw-RAHNZH.”

Live a Lush Life
Da Chef

Well, yeah, Chef, but he doesn’t need to know that.

Do something good for the world. Create a word that rhymes with orange then define it.

Example: The bereavement over lost data from a hard disk crash. This might be called “mornge”

While we’re on the subject…isn’t there another word, besides hungry and angry, that ends in GRY? :smiley: (minxsmom now quickly ducking under her desk before the flame throwers get her)

WARNING: I cannot be held responsible for the above as apparently my cat has learned to type. =^…^=

Gryphon. It’s a legendary beast, you see, and very dangerous. Thus…

<font face=“helvetica,arial” color=“blue”>“Look out for the gry–”</font>

And thus, somebody ends with “gry”.

Afraid to fly? Hey, I’ve been there!