What should I take with me to the airport?

I remember the days when buying a ticket to fly on a plane got you something … a ticket. I have to fly to Phoenix this weekend, and I’ve made my reservations and all that through Orbitz, but I don’t know for certain what I need to take with me to the airport tonight to actually get on the plane.

I presume there will be a check-in procedure where I will prove who I am and that I have reservations … is that just printing out the email from Orbitz and having my drivers license?

Sorry to haz so much teh dumb, but as you can tell, I really don’t fly much.

At a minimum you will need picture ID. For domestic travel a driver’s license will suffice.

Most airlines now offer the option to print your boarding pass before coming to the airport. That makes things easier at the airport. But if you’re going to check bags there’s not much benefit to it, since you will have to make a stop at the counter anyway.

If you don’t check bags, then you can print your own boarding pass at home, which you will need to get through Security, and go right to the gate and just get on the plane when they call your row.

I’d also take the credit card that I paid the ticket with if possible.

Last time I went, they had these cool automated machines - you just put in your reservation number or your last name, and it finds it for you. Then you just swipe your ATM card/ credit card, not to be charged, and it prints out a boarding pass for you. Out of the four times I’ve flown in the last few years, this has given me trouble exactly once, and then a surly attendant helped me.

Print out and take a paper copy of the confirmation page or email from Orbitz. This should have the record locator code for your reservation. If you enter this code at the self service checkin kiosks, it makes the checkin process a bit easier. If you use a live person to check in, it will make it easier for he/she to locate your reservation.

Oh, this may be problematic.

My mother paid for my ticket, and I most definitely do not have her credit card with me. I’ll just have to see how it goes.

Thanks, all, for the info.

If the name on the ticket doesn’t exactly match with the name on your driver’s license, you may not get through TSA security. Also, if you claim, “Gee I didn’t know that,” TSA will not believe you. Security has been in place long enough that TSA will not even consider ignorance to be a defense.

Read up on the airline web site about what you need to know flying aboard them. Read the TSA web site to know how to get through their security [del]haze[/del] maze.

IRL, I pretty much use my full name on anything that’s even remotely official, so that shouldn’t be a problem, Duckster. Thanks, though!

If you go to the desk, here’s how the conversation will go:

Agent: “Where are you heading?”
You: “Phoenix, through Houston.”
Agent: “Photo ID?”
You: hands over driver license
Agent: “Any checked bags?”
You: “No.” <-- if ‘no’, remember the TSA’s 3.4-oz liquid rules
Agent: “Here are your boarding passes. Boarding will begin at 4:05 PM at Gate A10.”

If you go to the automated kiosk, here’s how the transaction will go:

You: insert any credit/ATM card into the machine so it can read your name off of it
Machine: “Is this your reservation?” displays a reseration
You: click ‘yes’ if i looks right
Machine: “Any checked bags?”
You: click ‘no’ if no <-- if ‘no’, remember the TSA’s 3.4-oz liquid rules
Machine: here is a series of airline dependent options, like seat selection and up-sells
You: answers to those
Machine: “Here are your boarding passes. Boarding will begin at 4:05 PM at Gate A10.”

If your mother didn’t provide all the information she was asked for at the time of booking (e.g., your birthdate, which is a new requirement), you may have to provide this information at some stage. But, she almost certainly just filled in those fields when she bought the ticket.

OMG, Pasta, that is the worst possible information I could hear!

I’m not flying through Houston!!!


Srsly, thanks.

I have put through a different credit card than that paid the fee for the ticket. It adds another step, but we put these things in my SO’s card, and then I use mine at the gate, and it works.

IME, mostly in Canada and the UK, the automatic machines take your passport as well in order to verify your flight. I’ve never had to provide my credit card for them.

Exactly…the credit card is simply being used as a form of ID, to link your name (which is encoded on the card) to your reservation. You don’t need to use the exact same card which was used to buy the ticket; it simply needs to be a card which has the same name as was used for your reservation (i.e., your name). And, doing it that way is optional – you can always check in with a real person at the counter – the automated kiosks are often quicker, that’s all.

People who travel on business very often do not use their own credit card to purchase the ticket - it happens all the time and is not a problem.

Photo ID and knowledge of what flight(s) you’re on should be all that’s necessary - frequently that’s all I ever have to produce. I usually carry a printout of my itinerary, with all possible relevant information, “in case of trouble” - but I’ve never had any.

Don’t let the credit card thing scare you - it’s just a way to introduce yourself to the automated boarding-pass-printing things so that it’ll know whose pass to print - but there are others.

bring an mp3 player for the security line.

don’t wear a belt. wear slip on shoes. have some cash on hand.

put all liquids and gels in a zip lock baggie that you can access easily.

not necessary, but helpful.

Also, most airlines will let you check in online 24 hours in advance. I always try to do it as early as possible to ensure that everything is hunky dory with my flights.

In some airports, you can even use all electronic boarding passes. Rather than print them, you just pop up them up on your cell phone or PDA.

(Still need ID for security though.)

I print out my boarding passes at home and keep them in a little manila folder with my car reservation/hotel reservation printouts in an outside pocket of my rolly suitcase.

With most airlines, you can do the printout at any computer (like your home computer) starting about 24 hours before your flight. The “confirmation code” you got with your e-mail confirming reservations is the usual identifier the airline’s website uses to track down your reservation, but I think other data, like credit card, name, date of flight, or a combination thereof, will also do the trick. A lot of hotels nowadays have a computer somewhere on premises especially dedicated to the task of finding and printing your return flight boarding passes.

Upthread tips are good, especially the one about wearing kick-off shoes and no belt. I also wear my comfiest stretch pants for the flight. Recently, I bought a vest designed for travelers; it has a bunch of secure pockets in which I keep book, reading glasses, granola bar, kleenex, disinfectant wipes, and saline nasal spray. Now I don’t have to grope blindly for my purse down on the floor for these items.

Where’d you find the vest, teela?

Not sure about teela, but I have several of these: http://www.scottevest.com/