What should you be doing right now?

Practicing for my piano recital, which is tomorrow.
Doing psych homework that was due a month and a half ago.
Starting two history papers.

Damn, I’d better get working.

Get my fat ass off the couch and go jogging.
Write the last damn dissertation chapter.
Clean the parrot’s cage.
Throw out that tupperware with the thai soup leftovers from February. Yep, throwing out tupperware and all-- at this point I’m not opening it.
Take a shower so I can go David Sedaris tonight without reeking. Oh, and find the tickets to that. Heh, that’s an easy one. See ya!

I should probably be doing some kind of school work.
Of course, before that, I should find out just what school work I need to do.

But I’m not gonna. I did productive things yesterday; two days in a row is just unreasonable.

(As a side note, I could swear that sometime within the past 5 years there has been a thread with this exact same title, but not a single word of the title is acceptable to the search function! Now I’ll never know if I’m right or if I’m just going crazy.)

I have a 15 page Shakespeare paper due on Tuesday.

I’m about 7 pages into it. My life would be much better if I just finished it.

Instead I’m doing a metric shit-load of nothing.

Getting in the shower.

I have a standing rib roast in the oven and company arriving in an hour. Instead I’m reading the Dope and playing Kitten Cannon.

Reading that biography of Vladimir Putin and writing that book critique about it.

Writing about 20 journal entries for the same course.

Finding a hairdresser and manicurist.

Tomorrow, I get to put the finishing touches on a lengthy radio documentary, so I can get that off.

It feels sooooo good to get all these things finished.


Well, nothing.

I just had my last exam today, for an HR class. Now I’m just frumping around.

I suppose I should be sleeping…

I should be sleeping, too. I’m exhausted. My boyfriend’s birthday is the day after tomorrow, but we’re celebrating on Friday (April 23). Suddenly, I realized I wasn’t ready. Soooo… I worked today, left early. Bought him his birthday presents, visited him in the hospital (he’s getting out tomorrow, yay!), decorated the apartment (balloons, streamers, etc.) set the table, wrapped his presents, baked a cake. I must admit that I did my chores before posting to the boards. But even though I’m tired I just couldn’t resist logging in to see what’s going on. So yeah, I should be sleeping right now. So that’s what I’m going to do.

Good night!

I should be in my crappy sociology class right now. :confused:

Stuff I’m procrastinating at work:[ul]
[li]getting up from my desk to rinse out my plastic bowl and recycle my empty soda can[/li][li]editing two job opening announcements for HR (anyone need a job as a software tester?)[/li][li]updating docs and requesting configuration management numbers for next Friday’s software delivery (ProjectA)[/li][li]looking at the latest software drop, updating docs, and closing some defects before next month’s software drop (ProjectB)[/li][li]reminding the members of my Toastmasters club about the upcoming district conference[/li][li]creating and distributing the July Toastmasters schedule[/li][li]asking our graphic artist if he has time to create posters for an upcoming work party[/ul][/li]Stuff I’m procrastinating at home:[ul]
[li]finishing the final draft of my short story for my nonfiction class (due Tuesday night)[/li][li]writing a 5-page paper for my editing class (due Monday night)[/li][li]disassembling my old bed frame, so that I can store it in case I ever change my mind about having my bed on the floor (currently, the frame is propped up against the wall in my spare room)[/li][li]finding a new spot for my (fake) leather chair and its matching footstool, which were displaced when I rearranged half of my living room 3 nights ago[/li][li]bringing my albums and 45s up from the basement and putting them back into the bookshelf that I moved to the living room 3 nights ago[/ul][/li]I think that’s everything. I am very good at putting things off in favor of roaming around the interent … and particularly the SDMB. :smiley:

At work - A residency verification, poster approval, mailing project, and maybe 10 other things.

At home - building my webpage. The one the I know will make me rich and famous and save me from doing things like those mentioned above.

What am I really doing? Killing time before my boyfriend gets here with the White Castle :slight_smile:

BTW - This is my first post!!! YAY ME! :smiley:
