What song do you have stuck in your head now?

The Limbo Song

You know…

Jack be nimble Jack be quick
Jack go under limbo stick


Heywood Banks: Ohhhh there’s 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18 wheels on a big-rig, and they’re rollin’ rollin’ rollin’, rollin’ rollin’ rollin’…

Get Ready by Rare Earth.
Ah ah ah ah aaaaaah, get ready, get ready.

Scrotum! Scrotum! It’s the thing I keep my testes in!

I was listening to Goat’s Head Soup on the way in, so right now it’s Star fck a star fck a star fck a star fck a star…

Beethoven’s 3rd Symphony.

I bought a boxed CD set of all 9 symphonies awhile ago and have been listening to the disc with that and the Overture to Fidelio the last few days while driving to work. It makes me happy that the tune that gets stuck in my head is so often Beethoven lately–Much nicer than the commercial jingles that usually get stuck in there for-frigging-ever.

“One” by Metallica (just the guitar solo at the start).

Tarzan Boy, Baltimora.

Oh wa oh OOH Wa Oh OH OOOOH (or something along those lines…)

I also keep picturing a bottle of mouthwash swinging from vine to vine. Damned Listerine, ruined that song for me forever.

I’m sure I’ve seen that performance, but don’t really remember it except from the dream. Did it really have ‘In the Mood’ or is that part original? It does work pretty well. (I even have another person who agrees.)

And Nathan S, I’m sorry to cause you any distress.

This doesn’t have anything to do with your post. I just wanted to say, as a diehard C&H fan, that I really like your username!

OK, sorry for the thread hijack everyone, you may now carry on with your regularly scheduled discussion …

Amethyst Remembrance, from the anime Yami no Matsuei. The lyrics are an Emily Dickinson poem. I have this in my head because I was thinking about the anime. :slight_smile: It’s a nice song.

When I worked at Wal-Mart I constantly had the music from the first stage in Super Mario Bros. 3 in my head, and always sang it as I bagged customers’ items. “Doo-da-doo, da-doo, da-doo… doo da-doo doo da doooo…” Once this started, it lasted THE WHOLE TIME I worked there, and that was a few months long. I thought there was something wrong with me.

regarding my answer of She Bang!
I went to the grocery store today.
What did I see?
Those Cheeto;s,only this bag said Che-Bangs.
And I am not making this up.

Its not a song, but a piece of music, its the start of the Ride of the Rohirrim, track seven on the ROTK soundtrack.

I don’t know what the song is called but the one in Cindarella with the fairy godmother “bipitty boppidy boo”

For about the past 20 years it’s been the theme from Raiders of the Lost Ark.

I have had “Sub Rosa Subway” by Klaatu in may head for the past two days.

This is the song that never ends
it goes on and on my friends
some people started singing it not knowing what it was
and they’ll continue singing forever just because

This is the song that never ends… :smiley:


Until I read that, I had some horribly annoying song called Mr. Wendall by Arrested Development in my head. The actual lyrics are decent, and the overall message of the song is rather good, but there is this annoying (and repetitive) wailing bit that … argh.

At any rate now it looks as if I’ll be cursing the late Shari Lewis’ name. And her little lamb too.

Sad Eyes

Thanks a whole lot Slithy Tove! :frowning:
Guess I should’ve turned the other way.

After reading the BBQ Pit about the woman attempting to spend a million dollar bill at WalMart, it’s “If I Had a Million Dollars” by the Barenaked Ladies.