What stocks have you brought lately?


Philip Morris
General Motors
R.J. Reynolds

Evil pays nice dividends.

Brambles (BIL)- oversold bluechip with magority of world pallet market, potential turn around, maybe back to old glories.
Aust. Wheat Board (AWB) - solid dividends, priced based on worst drought in 50 years.
News Corp (NCP) - punting on a turnround in the US feeding through into advertising.

None - just holding on to the wee remains of my portfolio!:frowning:

I bought a new synthetic stock for my M1A rifle.

Just shifted about 1/3 of my retirement(which was in bonds) to gold mutual fund. Perhaps speculative, but the dollar is heading for a fall. And gold will go up.

Haven’t bought anything but index funds lately, but I have been feeling an urge to buy Nortel Networks. Somebody stop me!