What stupid thing do you do every time?

About 5 years ago the Help Desk software at work changed and the button under the main button that used to be the “search” now goes to a place I do not have access to. But despite the fact I have to search elsewhere, I always click on that new button.

I stumbled on that not long ago. Now that I’m retired and it hardly matters anymore since I don’t type much!

I have this annoying tendency to vacuum BEFORE I change the litterbox and/or clip my cat’s fingernails.


I wake up every day. One of these days, soon I hope, I’ll get it right.

Every morning when I get to work I back into my spot…and am never satisfied with how it fits in the space, so I pull forward and back in again. Probably 75% of the time my second attempt ends up with me in a worse position than if I had just let it sit the first time. But I still do it every single day…

Check the Dope.


Thanks to this thread I just realized I turn the radio volume down when my stupid GPS lady talks to me, which of course does nothing to quiet her. The family member riding with me in the car yesterday said I do this ALL THE TIME. :smack:

Somewhat similarly, I have the habit of turning down the radio when I pull into a drive-thru, then attempting to turn it down a second time once I reach the ordering box. I don’t know why I can’t remember that I just did that 30 seconds ago, but it almost never fails.

I don’t have quite as much trouble with reading glasses as I did before I got a pair with a magnetic latch at the bridge of the nose. Now, when I take them off, I pull the front piece apart and let them drop below my chin. The temples are one piece, linked at the back, so they won’t scurry away before the next time I need 'em.

When I’m putting on my shoes in the morning and I lift my left leg, but accidentally pick up my right shoe, I always end up lowering my left leg, raise my right foot and then put down the right shoe and pick up my left shoe, so that once again I have the wrong shoe in hand.

Look both ways before crossing a one way street.

I always keep getting ahead of myself at work, sometimes skipping a step. I get focused on one thought and forget about another or basically marry that thought without thinking about other solutions or something else that needs to be done.

Sometimes when working on a project in the garage or whatever, I tend to skip creating a template knowing that I should but somehow think I can do it perfectly without one, then I get mad because I should have taken the time to make a template first…I guess I get impatient and just never learn.

You never know when someone’s driving the wrong way! :stuck_out_tongue:

Or when you’re confused about which way the one-way is. And you can’t trust the parked cars to clue you. There might be none, or only a couple but parked facing the wrong way.

The same thing applies if you travel to countries that drive on the opposite side of the road than you’re used to. You look in the ordinary direction, see nobody coming & step off directly in front of a speeding bus coming from the other direction, the normal direction in his country. Not so smooth there, Hotshot.

Always look both ways every time. No matter what you think you know about traffic patterns.

The driving on the wrong side trick has nearly killed me more than once. *Always *look both ways.

[/public service announcement]

Are you me?

And I have loaded dirty clothes in the washer, added detergent, etc. Then come back 45 minutes later to discover I forgot to start the washer.

I set my cell phone alarm to “Sex On Fire” to remind me to take my birth control every night. Unfortunately, now I can’t listen to the song without feeling like I need to take a pill.

Last year I somehow adjusted my car stereo so the volume goes down when I slow down and stop the car. I don’t know how to undo this.

I almost always forget that this automatically happens and turn the volume up when stopped . . . then I start rolling again and the LOUDNESS startles me.

Up thread: same-o with plugging USB charger into my Kindle. I have trouble figuring out which way is the “up side” of the Kindle.

I still double space between sentences when typing. Eat shit if it bothers you.:wink:

I still do this, as well.

While I was reading a few (paper) books last night, I noticed I kept swiping the page as if it was a tablet.