What the fuck is going on with this Big Bang Theory shit being shoved down my throat?

This thread is for haters of BBT overload. I don’t want to hear how great it is; there’s plenty of threads for fans in CS.

I don’t watch a lot of current TV, but I do like catching Simpsons and Family Guy reruns after the news. Around September, they bumped two of the Simpsons reruns in favor of this Big Bang Theory shit.

Yeah, it’s shit. I hate the mincing nerd, the guy wearing the vest, and I don’t give a damn enough to follow what it’s all about.

It seems to be everywhere. Are affiliates not able to afford Simpsons reruns anymore? Have the TV gods deemed it analogous to The Simpsons? It just seems like a run-of-the-mill sitcom, kind of a Seinfeld for nerds with Kramer as the lead character.

Don’t get me started on the Barenaked Ladies theme song either… :frowning:

and i thought u were talking about the actual big bang theory which also has been shoved down everyone’s throats forever and ever. (Must every bit of sentence seasoning in the English language have something to do with gay rape?)

Interesting tidbit: I’ve heard the Big bang theory was incepted by a catholic man (cardinal or monk or something) to create a secular analog to the creation story so as to have people who encountered the “scientific” explanation of the universe would see it as parallel to the very old religious texts, more or less, even so as to propose “scientific” evidence that earth is in fact the center of all in the universe. I need to look into it a bit more but with string theory being fairly obviously BS I just don’t trust the ministry of science anymore.

Oh and hey sorry this show is being played and sucks or whatever lol.

Please tell me a mod just accidentally merged two random threads.

I find it annoying, too. I don’t understand why people love it here, either. The geek jokes just seem so painfully obvious and formulaic.

I know exactly what you mean. I feel like I’m going crazy, because everyone around me loves it and I think it’s the worst…

The show just recently hit the magic number of episodes needed to make reruns available for syndication. If you consider the fact that (your apparent seething hatred of the show aside) it actually is rather popular, then I don’t think it too difficult to understand why it is suddenly popping up all over cable. I can think of several shows in the past that had something similar happen around their 4th or 5th season.

In my experience, everything I don’t like is being shoved down my throat, and everything I do like there isn’t enough of.

God I tried hard as hell to like that show but all the jokes are along the lines of: guy says something slightly nerdy (say, mentioning “Pi”) and the mental midgets in the audience get to laugh hysterically going “PI! I KNOW THAT THING!!!”

The tipping point for me was when one of the characters mentioned something going to “code red” and one of the other characters said “You mean an actual emergency, or Code Red the Mountain Dew flavor?” [“MOUNTAIN DEW! I KNOW THAT!!!11!11!”] That doesn’t even make SENSE! I just reached over and turned the TV off. Not to another channel. OFF. It’s like the show ruined television for me.

Pertinent: A blog/Tumblr called “Our Valued Customers” features sketches of actual overheard bits of customer’s conversations while in his comic book shop. My favorite so far:

So if I say “I like the Big Bang Theory”, does that count as thread shitting?

“Nerd blackface” … love it.

I’ve never seen the show, but every promo I’ve heard makes me cringe. It’s like listening to some white guy from Kansas trying to rap.

Samp, old bean, you’re welcome to drop a steaming pile in any thread of mine. :slight_smile:

I know it’s obviously been on TV long enough to hit syndication (100 episodes, right?). But BBT has displaced multiple episodes of The Simpsons. I can’t believe the show was doing badly. Maybe the syndicators are offering BBT at half price and giving out free BJs? Because it’s not like they have it on once a day. It’s replaced The Simpsons, which almost everywhere I’ve lived since 1995, is a staple on the local Fox affiliate before primetime and after the news. This was the case in Houston, Boston, Atlanta, Santa Barbara, and Austin.

Thing is, I think the idea that BBT is going to pull in the same viewership as The Simpsons is deeply flawed. I get BBT is a show about nerds for nerds, but I guess I’m not a nerd, because I don’t program computers all day, play XBox, whatever. I’m just a clever guy who likes the occasional Jasper Johns reference, or who knows who Stephen Hawking is. I would never watch BBT because it’s bringing a tired formulaic format (okay, that phrasing made me cringe) to what should be a nonconformist population. I mean, don’t hipster nerds watch Attack of the Show! or something?

Curious to understand why a station would ixnay The Simpsons in favor of this dreck.

WAG, Hippy:

Since The Simpsons has been in syndication for so long, the networks may be hoping to expose people to this show, instead of showing the same Simpsons episode they’ve already shown several dozens of times.

No. No more than if I say “Hey, I like Justin Bieber” in a “Why is Justin Bieber being shoved down my throat?” thread.

I would then expound as to WHY though to attempt to make a case for it.

Maybe The Simpsons isn’t being watched by as many people any more and so they feel the need to mix things up, try something new?

Also: everyone in not liking the same thing as everyone else shocker.

Haha, so true.

But seriously, have you SEEN this show?

Yes, I watch it weekly. I also watch The Simpsons.

I don’t like it, don’t find it funny. It reminds me of when they show a sitcom on a sitcom. Plus, the Simpsons has been shit for over a decade now. Let it die!

I didn’t think I’d like it, that’s my default expectation of all sitcoms these days. Turns out it makes me laugh, so therefore I like it.

I watched it for a bit and stopped, although Sheldon is funny in a bitchy way. Ialso like the actor who is the lead who was Darlene’s boyfriend on the show “Roseanne”.

I think for me, it’s not my style of show and is probably more watched by people under 30, it’s basically to me a show about young guys and the beautiful blonde across the way and geek/nerd like humor. I like another CBS Monday show called “Mike and Molly”. I’m overweight, young middle aged, and identify with the characters.

Besides, it’s on one night a week. Just avoid it. It’s 2011 man, if you have cable, you have about 50-100 entertainment channels. if you have the internet, you can watch whatever the hell you want when you want. So what is the problem?

My mother asked me to watch this show. “It’s your type of humor! You’ll love it,” she says, adding “It’s a show written for smart people!” So I watched an episode.

I sat stupefied through the whole thing. Didn’t crack a smile once. Every single laugh seemed to revolve around one character making some inane reference to some scientific concept or nerd pop culture.

I think the quality of The Simpson’s has deteriorated considerably over the past decade but even that show can get at least a chuckle out of me.

So yeah, not a fan.