What the Heck happened to the BIO Channel?!

I thought something was off with Biography when I noticed nearly all the biographies were celebrities. I missed their more historical pieces, but they were still there occasionally. And then it was pretty much the E! Channel except a bit less trashy. And now they’re playing LA Law, Newsradio, Night Court, and Murder She Wrote. All good shows, to be sure…but um, isn’t that what A&E is for? And they’re not only playing them a few hours a day…they make up the bulk of the programming. And then they’re starting a few new series too.

This makes me sad. :frowning: I loved the Biography Channel. Now it’s just A&E Version 2. And the only thing A&E has going for it is things like American Justice and Cold Case Files.

Eh, I’m probably the only one bothered by this development, but it really pissed me off.

It appears that A&E is using the Biography Channel as a dumping ground for Series That We Own Rebroadcast Rights For But Would Rather Not Air On The Main Channel (STWERRFBWRNAOTMC).