Hi gang. To start with, I just had a consultation w/my new dentist yesterday w/X-rays and so on, and have another appointment on Tuesday where actual work will be done. So I’m not asking this in lieu of going to my dentist. I could even call them since they have an emergency line. I’m just not sure if this counts as a dental emergency, so naturally I thought I’d ask total strangers on the web.
After ignoring my teeth for waaaaay too long, I have a cavity in one of my lower teeth that’s been causing me some serious pain for the past four days or so. This was helped somewhat by Orajel and ice placed between my thumb & index finger (bizarre acupressure trick, but it really did work–and it’s not woo, according to a study).
I hunted frantically for a new dentist and saw a great periodontist yesterday (he was the only guy who had a free appt. on a Saturday, plus wow, he has great Yelp reviews) and he took X-rays of my entire mouth, did the cold-air test, and naturally at the time I didn’t feel pain (that always happens–I look like a paranoid idiot when I can’t replicate the problem!). Actually, the x-rays were the only painful part of the process, because the… what do you call it, the tray/plate? Anyway it was pressing on my mouth in unpleasant ways as the assistant moved it around to get all the various angles.
Summary of findings: Before x-rays Doc thought I might need root canal / extraction, but after, he was pleasantly surprised that the tooth was actually not as deep as he’d thought and a filling should be fine. He also said the rest of my teeth were in quite good shape considering I’d been so bad at seeing dentists, and only a few little cavities were found, which he’d work on after we get this other thing taken care of. He made a follow-up for Tuesday with the general dentist who does fillings. In the meantime he recommended 600mg ibuprofen since I didn’t want painkillers, and also suggested I get ACT fluoride as part of my regular hygiene, since I have kinda dry mouth due to my antidepressant. The rest of the day followed as usual, with some bouts of the intermittent pain but nothing terrible. I bought the ACT and did the swishing, which did cause some pain to the cavity but again, I rode the wave and got over it.
Today: I woke up and OH MY GOD the pain–but what’s weird is that it’s not in the cavity tooth, but the one right behind it. If I place the slightest amount of pressure on this, which I’m calling the Evil Tooth, terrible pain commences–far worse than anything the cavity had caused. The gums aren’t swollen as far as I can tell. Testing the other teeth surrounding it, I find that the cavity tooth right in front of it is painless when pressed, as are the rest of the teeth in front; but behind the Evil Tooth, there is slight pain–but it feels mostly due to the association with the Evil Tooth.
Right now the Evil Tooth feels like it doesn’t belong in my mouth–like it’s some foreign object that’s been jammed into place out of nowhere. As long as I don’t touch it in any way it’s only mild pain, some dull throbbing, but as I said, even the slightest touch from my tongue causes protest. I don’t even want to try eating because if I bite down and my upper teeth accidentally put pressure on this Evil Tooth, it’s going to be torturous.
Any ideas on what the heck could’ve happened when x-rays taken YESTERDAY found nothing in that tooth (I don’t think), and even the cavity tooth beside it was considered relatively minor.
Also, is this an emergency worth calling the dentist’s emergency line for, or can/should I wait until tomorrow? I’ve been looking at various definitions of “dental emergencies” and most of them involve broken/cracked teeth, though a few do refer to major pain.