So, what the hell is an “old lang’s eme”? We sing that insipid song every year, but I haven’t clue one what it means, and never thought to ask before.
And while were at it, Santa’s reindeer are Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donder and Blitzen. Most of them are pretty clear, (Blitzen incedently is German for “Lightning”).
Geez, you’ve all got it wrong. Donner and Blitzen are what most people use today, but they’re not right. They’re not the original. And, they’re in German. The first place where they were mentioned had their names in Dutch, Dunder and Blixem. Donner and Blixen means thunder and lightning in german, while Dunder and Blixem means thunder and lightning in dutch.
…And, i just looked at gr8kat’s post, So i guess i’m not the first to say this.
It’s time to retire Auld Long Sox and make a new New Year’s song.
How about one where Santa’s reindeer come back and settle in for nap?
“All toast Dasher, Dancer,
Sleeping Prancer, Vixen,
You earned it Comet, Cupid,
And, um, Blitzen- Here’ to you and that last one I can never remember!”
Triest is indeed the right word and, to compound it anf be event more triestig…
Thunder in German is donder; in Dutch is donner.
Lightning in German is blitzen; in Dutch bliksem; and in Afrikaans is blixem.
Thunder, Donder, Donner are all the same word: it’s just that the northern European languages lost the ability to use eths and thorns. Thursday is the day of Thor, god of thunder; donderdag in Dutch.