People dance around with little twirly things in a leotard and it is called Olympic Sport. You can beat the shit out of a’ 40 lb. disk of granite and throw it across the ice and control it with brooms. Again, Olympic Sport. But rock climbing? Ice climbing? No, of course, how silly to think that scaling thousands of feet of sheer rock and ice, making dicey dynamic moves, the inherent thrill and beauty of rock climbing. Olympic sport? Of course not. How silly of me.
Ok, it’s in. But if you fall, there’ll be an automatic .5 point deduction.
Tonight they had Trampoline. I shit you not.
No, I think the next Olympic sport will be “money-grubbing.” Quick, Olympic officials, see how much sposership you can grab in 30 seconds or less! Ready…GO!!
Ohhhhh…I’m sorry, you grabbed one of the funny, creative NIke commercials. Automatic .8 deduction.
Funny commercials? Not at the Olympics. The Super Bowl maybe.
Oh wait, there were those VISA Card adds.
Trampolineing? (sp?) Makes me sad, really. Do they even have soccer?
Of course they have soccer. The US is doing OK at it too. But it’s not been getting any coverage. Every night it’s been nothing but Gymnastics and a little bit of swimming.
about that rock across the ice thing (curling), durring the last winter olympics I was able to watch them on American and Canadien stations. on the American stations, they would have hockey, downhil skiing or something else exciting. on the Canadien station they always seem to have curling. I have found something more boaring then bowling or golf that has been put on tv
The top five Olympic Events in Hell…
- Curling.
- Beelzebob sledding.
- Disfigure skating.
2 Javelin catching.
and #1
- The 666 metre naked butt luge down a razor blade (into a pool of iodine).
I have to point out that we won the gold medal for trampolining… we have to get our medals where we can eh?
I’ve been staying up well past the time when dirty, old men should be in bed with dirty, young women just to watch The Olympics.
The games have been ok, but the coverage ranges from. Why do they give all these pointless profiles? Whaddahell, just tell me who the athlete is and where he’s from, and maybe what he does for a living, if that’s interesting, and that’s all I need to know. If he’s a honey-dipper in Bumfuck Botswana, ok, but don’t tell me the name of his goddamn horse, I don’t give a rat’s ass.
I make an exception for the deaf-mute guy from South Africa who took a silver in the swimming. Gotta admire that kind of detirmination.
As for the events, I can see where the high-profile ones should get the most coverage, but it’s being beaten to death. I don’t need to see every elimination. The semis and the finals are plenty. I’d like to see a little of the shooting, particulary Free Pistol (I know, like watching paint dry to someone who’s never fired match). Not much, but a little. Also more of the weight lifting - a difficult and dangerous business, that.
New Events for the future: I liked the idea of Javelin-catching. Another might be Up Stream Kayaking. Wind Tunnel Trampoline, perhaps?
You haven’t seen the Nike ads? I’ll Nike-bash anytime you want, but they’ve got some great spots running.
Blond bimbo eludes chainsaw maniac…Lance Armstrong gives an elephant mouth-to-mouth in surreal circus surroundings…skateboarder attacked by black knight…
OK, they’ve overplayed that last one (what a surprise) - I’ve seen it a dozen times & the others only once apiece. They’ll probably wear them out soon, too.
But they are some great ads.
You might be interested in reading this. Whafuck??? Have we gotten to the point where any activity that requires skill is considered an Olympic Sport??? What about Tiddlywinks or Sorry or Monopoly? They require skill. :rolleyes: What about the Lumberjack Games? Are we going to stand here (or sit here) and say that sawing a gigantic log in two or climbing a telephone pole is less worthy than spinning yourself around a parquet floor to the tune of Living La Vida Loca??? Jesus Humping Christ!!!
Cheer up. You can always watch synchronized diving.
The shooting sports are being completely ignored by NBC. The first gold medal won by the U.S. was in the women’s air rifle. Did NBC even mention it? Nooooo, there’s swimmers to talk to. Freakin’ PC thugs.
As for soccer, I’m watchin’ the U.S. play Japan as we speak. It’s in overtime, tied 2-2.
About the OP: exactly how would Olympic climbing be scored, or how would the competitions be arranged? I can see speed-climbing, on a climbing wall, but I’ve always seen plain-vanilla rock climbing as, well, non-competitive.
They gave the gal with the air rifle about 90 seconds. Damn shame.
Over here in the UK, when a trap shooter won Britain’s second gold medal, commentators tied themselves in knots trying to explain how the medal winner had started out in the sport. As a kid he had shot rabbits out in the country, which is now illegal.
Not much future hope for shooting gold medals on this side of the pond anymore.
I caught a piece of it this afternoon. The girls were pretty, but, like it’s swimming counterpart, it’s not what I think of as a competitive sport. Oh well, at least it doesn’t involve a freakin’ ball.
Hey!! Maybe it’d be more interesting if it did!
I think the Olympics are going down hill - speed suits and so forth. The coverage has never been great and that too, is deterioating.
Does anyone remember the Speed Sking event that was demonstrated at a Winter Games a couple of decades ago (I forget the year)? These guys armoured up and took a straight shot down the hill reaching velocities of better than 100 mph. On freakin’ skis, I ask you to believe! On about the third run, one of them lost it and got killed in the crash. Ever since then, it seems, new events have been mostly (but not all) something less than earth-shaking.
I will admit that Speed Sking and sports like it might be a tad extreme for the Olympics, but to put in Syncronized Whatever and that gymnastics business with twirlies? That’s really the shallow end of competitive sport.
Now, I’m not saying they shouldn’t be there. Whaddahell, those kids work hard, too. What I’m saying is that we only need to see a little of it and following real gymnastics, the twirlies gives a new meaning to ‘anti-climax’.
The Olympics are on as I write. There is a talking head running his mouth, adding ‘color’. The color was the Ozzie disaster at Galipolis in WW1, which will be followed by commercials, then women’s Mountain Biking. Oughta be pretty good. If not, Lawerance Welke is on PBS.
that soccer announcer yell: SSSCCCCCOOOOOOOOOOORRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRREEEEEEEEEEEE!!! until his anus snaps shut and finally cuts off his air, I swear I’ll get the forty and four out, and shoot the TV on the slender hope the round will travel down the airways and give that hog-jawed, over-paid chancre-scab-with-a-microphone a tonsilectomy that will clean his throat and open his ass all over again. :mad
Actually, it’s “GOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAAAAAALLLLLLLLLLL!” At least on the station I’m watching it is. We’re talking football here! What the hell is `soccer’ anyway? Is that an American thing? (and to rout the pundits, I’m American, I played soccer for seven years, kee?)
I’m an unabashed Olympic junkie. And I love to see Americans on the medal stand, and I love to hear the Star Spangled Banner on the PA. I take pride in each and every one of my countrymen who goes out to represent themselves and us all. To say that just getting there is an achievement is a cliche, of course, but a cliche wouldn’t be a cliche without a core of unvarnished truth. And that goes for all Olympians, from all nations, who work so hard to get there. They will always have my respect. So NBC is fumbling the ball in their coverage. I don’t care.
That’s it. I’ve gotten that off my chest now.
I figure that if you can do it drunk, it’s not a sport, it’s a game. And much as I like curling, the whole point of curling (in Canada, at least) is to get drunk. Just like bowling.
So that’s my criterion, and I think it should be adopted by the IOC: if you can still put in a good showing after five beers, it’s not a sport.
Uhh, I dunno. I found the synchronized diving kind of cool.
But, the day I see ‘enhanced wrestling’, ala WWF/WCW, with its pathetic, mind-numbingly mundane, acting, is the day you’ll see me head for the nearest clock tower and into the nations headlines.