What to do with my late brother's car, and stuff.

In a few days, I will become the keeper of my late brother’s car. Being that I have plenty of room to store it on my property, I took it upon myself to volunteer for that and to take care (store) of his two appliances, a new washer and dryer.

I need none of these three things.

I have had a brain drizzle for years about using a used car for a charity raffle at a high school.

The past two cars of ours were not worthy of an auction, so we donated them to one of those charity motors for the tax write off.

I haven’t seen my brother’s car in awhile and am not certain of the mechanical/phsysical shape of it ( he was very hard on his vechicles.)If it is not a total peice of crap ( a two door Ford escort, I think 1995, not sure.)
this charity raffle thing really appeals to me. It could be a great car to raffle off at a local high school, ticket prices at $1 a ticket, with proceeds going towards Muscular Dystrophy in my brothers’ names.

Running just a classified ad to rid of this stuff seems so dull.

**This is what I need to know from anyone out there who has either done something like this or knows someone who has **
What is all involved in doing something like this?

Or, if anyone else has any suggestions, I am very much open.

I still don’t know what to do with the washer and dryer, which are barely 6 months old and since my mom did his laundry most of the time anyways, hardly used. They are not a major brand.


Is there someone in the family that your brother loved who can use these things ? If so maybe they could have them.

Or perhaps donate them to a charity that you believe your bother would have approved of.

You could call the charity of your choice and ask about the raffle. They probably have already done the leg work. You could even raffle the washer and dryer. (If you’re in Calif, can I buy a ticket?) Otherwise, how about a womens/homeless shelter/halfway house type donation?

No one in the family needs these items. We’ve covered that base and my mom and aunt wanted off the bat just to do the charity motors thing, but I think the car has more value than that.

The charity the money will be donated to will be Muscular Dystrophy.

Women’s shelters seem to be perpetually in need of things like the washer and dryer. I’d try a place like that. If not, perhaps some sort of group home could use them.

Hi Shirley,

Cool idea about the raffle. Call your local MD office and let them know your wishes. In my state you have to have a gaming permit to do a raffle & the permit number has to be printed on the raffle tickets. Hopefully MD has a permit that can be used (here it takes a long time to get one!) and they can help with the organization of the event, as suggested by dragonlady. I’ve done a bit of this type of thing, with quilt raffles. It’s fun once the ball is rolling.

Update: The washer and dryer were sold to a shirt tail relative of my mom’s. So that’s taken care of.

The car, it seems, my mom has found someone interested in it. So I probably won’t be burdened with selling that. I shared the car raffle idea with her and she pooh poohed it.
Like I was asking her to sell raffle tickets door to door.

My other brother and his wife have cleaned out the apartment taking anything and everything they can. My mom thinks the SIL is a vulture ( but they are poor as church mice, so I don’t really care.) Personally, they can have all that and more.

All I want as a memento of Mark is his Jimmi Hendrix banner and his watch.

Not quite the condolance thread shirley, but peace to you and your family.
