What to Put on Mosquito/BedBug Bites?

I have many bites on my face that are huge and cystlike. I had thought those were from cystic acne but many of them were from bites. I’m currently putting benadryl topical on it… would that be fine?

I currently put benadryl on those huge cyst like pimples that are bites from mosquito/bed bugs. But what should i put on the ones that are like 7-8 small bites to the face? I have a ton of them on one side of my cheek that was the only part of my face that was clear. I currently just put some aveeno moisturizing lotion that has colloidal oatmeal. Would that be fine?

What im worried is are those red marks going to stay on my cheeks?? I already have tons of red marks from acne now everywhere else on my face and now bed bug or mosquito bites im worried of the marks. This was the only small part of my face that was clear and now my whole face looks infected now and apparently most of this are bed bug or mosquito bites.

Can someone tell me what i shoud put on it? I already put benadryl on those cystlike mosquito/bed bug bites and aveeno moisturizing lotion that has colloidal oatmail on the small bites that are pimplelike but small. Or should i put benadryl on that too???

I already have acne on my face and now this is making my whole face look like i have cyst like acne everywhere.

I suffer from mosquito bites pretty badly. I was once doing some research about it on the web and was surprised to read statements like “they might turn red for a couple of hours” when mosquito bites on me stay red and itchy for a week. So apparently, I’m allergic and therefore have a more extreme reaction than most people.

The only two solutions that seem medically valid to me are anti-histamines and anti-itch. I use hydrocortizone ointments (the OTC kind work fine for me) to control the itching. anti-histamines (whether oral or topical) don’t seem to do much for either the swelling/redness or the itchiness. You’ll find dozens of other folk remedies - vinegar, deodorant, baking soda, etc. - that I doubt work in any way other than by distracting me from the desire to scratch until I hit bone.

I have no idea if this will be helpful to you, though. I don’t know how you could possibly mistake a mosquito bite for acne and if you’re not sure whether bed bugs are involved… really, my recommendation would be to see a doctor and make sure you have the diagnosis right before you try to self-medicate.

Hi. But when you have these bites that stay red and itchy for a week, do they go away and not leave a mark on your face? Also, do you have these bites on your body or face? I can tolerate body such as arms etc but not when on the face.

The reason why i mistaked mosquito bite for acne is b/c before i had these bites, i have acne and cystic pimples in certain areas of my face so i thought this was acne. It wasn’t until i saw my arms gotten bitten and the left side of my face has lot of reddish bites and that to me was 100 percent not pimples.

Tea tree oil might help. Are you trying to treat the itchiness or scarring? Vinegar is supposed to help with reducing itch, as is baking soda. Calamine lotion is soothing too.

Aloe vera gel with lidocaine is an effective topical numbing agent. It is intended for sunburns but should eliminate the itching for some time, then after it wears off you just put some more on.