What to shoot a cat with that won't hurt it

My wife loves birds and we have a bunch of bird feeders in our back yard and even a couple out front. The other day she found the remains of a eaten bird, the head and a bunch of feathers, on our patio.
She’s mad. She says “I like my birds a lot more than I like the neighbor’s cat.” She wants to shoot it but not do any real damage. She doesn’t want to use a paintball gun, and I don’t want her to 'cause I don’t want her painting the (six-foot wooden) fence. Besides, I think they have too much power.

Where we used to live our neighbors kids had these guns that shot little plastic pellets and they used to shoot each other with them. They might be just the thing, but I don’t remember what they are called.
Anyway, does anybody have any experience with such a thing? How far do they shoot? Can you get biodegradable pellets?

Any other ideas?

My experience with cats (my first wife had cats) is that they are extremely stubborn, or else extremely stupid, and will not be deterred for any reasonable period of time by squirting them with water.

Any advice? Anybody? Bueler?

A camera?

Then show the photos to the cats’ owners (if you know who they are), and ask them to consider making them indoor cats.

Garden hose is time tested and not tolerable on the receiving end.

They make some battery powered squirt guns that shoot pretty far.

High powered water guns work well for cats. Only harm their dignity.

I agree a little water pistol won’t deter most cats.

May take too much time to get set up. There are some great water guns operated by air pressure that can be deployed quickly and that release a lot of water under high pressure. It won’t harm the cat but it will definitely be a teaching moment for it.

Such as a Super Soaker?

I’d check on the force of the stream those emit; presumably it’s not strong enough to do real harm to a kid, or they wouldn’t still be sold, but you don’t want to shoot kitty’s eye out (I assume!!).

When we were owned by cats (indoor only), we kept a water bottle at hand to unwanted discourage behavior. We referred to it as The Hand of God.

The only downside to a manually-operated water spray is that the cat just learns “don’t do that while the human is looking”.

There are motion-sensing sprinklers made just for this purpose. I have no personal experience with them.


Yes, just the thing – I had forgotten the name. In fact I had a couple of Super Soakers years ago. It’s not going to harm the cat but will – as the name implies – get it pretty thoroughly soaked with high-pressure water.

:smiley: :dog:

Nerf machine gun

Yes, you can get biodegradable Airsoft pellets. Depending on the Airsoft gun, they can sting quite a bit, even at a distance. I would not use one on a cat.

I suggest raising the bird feeders so the cat can’t reach birds who gather there. I don’t think your deterrence will work. And cats who are accustomed to bring outdoor cats don’t usually like being confined.

There is still going to be a lot of spillage from the feeder, and a lot of birds will eat that on the ground.

Absolutely. Please don’t - it takes very little force to put out an eye. Water and lots of it is the way to go.

It’s probably futile, though. Domestic cats kill billions of small animals every year and you’ve set up a buffet for all the local cats - not just the one that lives next door.

There are bird feeders that make it more difficult for cats/squirrels to access them. After that, it’s up to the birds to not get eaten. You can’t really help them unless you’re willing to hurt the cats, and they’re just doing what cats do. The blame lays in folks who let their cats wander, especially folks who let their unfixed cats wander.

Or do what my mom did: put bells on the indoor / outdoor cats. A jingle bell on a length of elastic around the little beastie’s neck can work wonders.

Airsoft pellets sting to the point that Airsoft players are required to wear helmets and thick clothes. Thirding @ZonexandScout and @Johnny_Bravo - they’re too dangerous to use on cats.

Maybe birds are more cautious on the ground, but removing low feeders worked when it was my cat and my bird feeders causing problems.

Was it this?

Motion detection sprayer.