What was Bush's expletive today?

If you dont believe in Gosh, you will surely go to Heck when you die.

CNN Headline News just spelled out the word in a caption while playing the recording without bleeping the word. During the 6 PM (ET) broadcast. I wonder how much the FCC will fine them for that; I don’t suppose they’ll let it slide just because it was Bush talking and Bush can do no wrong.

(I don’t know what regular CNN did; I never watch when Lou Dobbs is on. I don’t dislike him, I’m just bored with the immigration obsession.)

Me, I just wish Bush wouldn’t talk with his mouth full. Surely his mother taught him better than that, and it looks bad whether the mikes are on or not. But I suppose that’s pre-9/11 thinking; I should realize if he stopped to chew properly, the terrorists would win.

BFD. I hate the guy and I don’t give a sh*t. Anyone who gets worked up over this has mental issues and waaaay too much time on their hands.

I loathe everything about that man and everything he stands for…and I’m giving him a pass on this one. Big deal. I can’t even argue with the content of what he said, much less the vocabulary.

I even have to give him points for using “ironic” in a sentence.

One can’t help to feel sorry for Blair, who tries so hard to have an intelligent discussion on a very important issue with “the most powerful man on earth”. :smiley: Imagine his agony!

They’ll let it slide because it’s cable and the FCC doesn’t regulate vulgarity and obscenity on cable. They might even if it were broadcast, in that it was used as part of a legitimate news story and not to shock or tititlate. But cable guarantees they’ll get away with it.

My problem is his misuse of the term ‘irony’ on TV. Likely it’s true that if Syria would “stop doin’ 'is shit” then it would be over, but what’s ironic about that?

Did it seem to anyone else that Blair had the tone of someone repeatedly trying to get a dim child to see reason while being constantly interrupted in the process?

I’m sure the Knights of Standards and Practices will save us before we start vomiting up our intestines.

Look at {b]Annie**'s link.

It says “Watch Bush use the ‘s’ word during a chat with Blair – 1:31”

Or another First Lady… his wife.

Count me as someone else who can’t stand Bush, and who doesn’t give a rat’s arse if he used the word “shit.”

If you want a genuine example of Bush’s media idiocy, you only have to look at his press conference alongside the German Chancellor the other day, in which he constantly kept referring to the pig he was going to eat for dinner, even in response to serious and important questions about problems in the Middle East.

Here is a story about it, and if you want to see some video, you can go to the Daily Show website and click on the video entitled “Slicing the Pig.”

The guy’s ability to transcend his own records for idiocy and self-absorption is staggering.

Like, this is a new and shocking thing? Remember the Nixon tapes full of [expletive deleted]?

I understand that Nixon’s curses were more cosmological: as a rule he did not tend to use barnyard language or make allusions to the anatomically improbable.

Here’s a full transcript of Bush’s remarks:

It’s difficult to know where to start quoting.

Since the GQ has been answered, I’m closing this.

Feel free to continue in other forums.

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