What was the chain of command in descending order of the French Admiralty/Military


I’m looking for the names in descending order of authority in the French Admiralty/Military during the American Revolution? I’m confused about who exactly General George Washington dealt with on an equal footing. Who on the French side were Washington’s superiors in rank?

I look forward to your feedback.

In the American expedition, the admiral commanding was the Comte d’Estaing. Under him originally, and then promoted to the same rank was the Comte de Grasse. Commanding the French expeditionary force was the Comte de Rochambeau. Under him, at the battle of Yorktown, at least, were the Francois Marie d’Aboville and the Marquis de Choisy.

Washington had no superiors in rank, and it wasn’t a unified command. He dealt with Rochambeau on an equal footing.

Thank you Captain Amazing. That clarifies things for me.