Getting sent out of assembly when I was in year 3
Not sure how old I was, but I remember sitting on a red/orange booth at some diner in Florida (I assume it was Florida, I remember palm trees outside the window, and my parents confirmed we were in Florida for a spell when I was a wee one.
Getting my diaper changed. I was lying on the table looking up and saw the light. Then I looked over and saw my older sister reading a book and blood red wallpaper with a pattern with yellow chickens and broken white eggs on it.
I remember so clearly having the idea that I could put this into my brain and see it whenever I wanted to.
When I mentioned it to my mother years later, she said “We moved from that house when you were less than 18 months old!” Yet I remember the scene so well.
Throwing a snowball downhill at my dad. That means it was a particular house we left just after my third birthday, and my birthday is in July, so I was about two and a half at the time.
Less than a year old.
We lived in an old apartment building when I was born, and there was a large greenhouse across the street. I’m sitting in an old brown wicker stroller; parts of it are worn, and some of the wicker is sticking out. Between the sidewalk and the greenhouse is a koi pond. crossing the pond is a stone walkway leading to the greenhouse. Someone is pushing the stroller across the walkway, and I look in both directions at the fish.
We moved from that apartment when I was just shy of 1 year old, and we never went back. I have told this memory to both my mother and my aunt, and they corroborated the details.
I swear I have a memory of driving to the hospital to see my new baby brother. Only a short flash, involving staring out the car window into the night from the back seat of my dad’s brown Honda and seeing an Amoco sign going by (not that I could read at that point, but I remembered the logo and looked it up later). I don’t know if this is a true memory or not. I would have been about 26 months old at that time, so I suppose it’s possible, but who knows.
I was 2 and a half or so. My parents were taking me to a drive in to see one of the Godzilla movies. I remember sitting on the cooler while Mom packed snacks.
The oldest memory I can date is when I was four and my youngest sister was brought home from the hospital.
I have a vague memory of being put to bed when I was not older than three. Until I was about three I wore a special shoe with a strap around my left leg, to gradually turn my foot out straight. It was born twisted in. The bedtime memory is of the strap coming off at night. Not sure if it’s real or a “constructed” memory.
Not sure of the age, I was still in a bed with railings, so I guess between 2-3. Got out and went to my parents room to sleep with them, I can remember playing with the large mole on my dad’s back, kind of like a minuature punching bag…Lord love that man, he never said a word although I know it must have annoyed him.
That would have been over 60 years ago.
I remember my family standing around in the backyard at night, and pointing up at the sky. They were talking about “Sputnik” and they were trying to get me to look up, but I was afraid and hid my face on my dad’s shoulder.
Looking up Sputnik on Wikipedia, I see that my family must have been discussing one of the later Sputniks, as I was only one year old at the time of the launch of the first one.
When my family lived in the projects, I got a wooden rocking horse for Xmas one year. I remember riding it under the tree. This must have been 19972 or 73 but I don’t know which.
I remember my little sister coming home from hte hospital afer she was born, getting a flashlight, and looking down on her in the crib. That would be the summer of 74.
I think it was when I was around 3. My parents both worked and my grandmother and her 12 year old son (my Uncle Vince) lived next door and watched me while they worked. I remember sitting in my grandmother’s living room and watching the Three Stooges on TV with my Uncle Vince. I’ve been a Three Stooges fan for 56 years now and I always associate them with that memory.
Visiting my grandmother in her nursing home and helping to feed her ice cream, her favorite food. It’s the only memory I have of her because she died soon afterwards.
I have a generous base of memories from living in a house that we moved away from when I was 4-1/2. I have no way to arrange them chronologically.
One memory from the first house I lived in, which we moved from before I turned 4. A friend of the family was coming over to visit and when I heard that, I hid under a table (still standing fully up) because when he came over he tickled me and I didn’t want him to do that. It was that apartment because while I haven’t seen pictures from inside, the color was different from the lakeside house we moved to later and the room was smaller than house-sized.
I used to think it was a memory of looking through crib bars at my parents drinking coffee off in the kitchen at the table, but eventually I realized it was something my mother mentioned on occasion that I envisioned into “memory”.
On the farm, nothing notable happened when I was little, friends didn’t really visit them, family didn’t really visit, so there’s nothing to mark any memory (and maybe no memory there at all) earlier than kindergarten.
I have kindergarten memories, and I think I actually remember being registered for kindergarten: Into the building, a table to each side with a lady. Stand there a while while they do whatever. Go back outside and play for a couple of minutes on the seesaw or something before we went back home.
I don’t know how old I was, maybe 3, but I remember stepping on a hot furnace register in the floor.
I definitely remember looking down at my newborn sister and complaining that she wasn’t old enough to play with. That would have made me 3 1/2.
First hazy memory: Walking in a cemetery in Asia with my family. I was probably 3 years old.
First clear memory: Running across the living room to give my mom a hug. I was 3 or 4 years old.
I was 2 years and 7 months old (it was my sister’s birthday is how I know) the day we moved into our new house. I have zero memories of the house before that, but I remember that day. The neighbor kids were playing outside in front of their house.
And when did they give you the time machine?