What weird stuff do you do in your sleep?

I snore to wake the dead. My SO says I rattle the windows. Recently we got a humidifier, and it’s helped a little. Sometimes I snore so loud I wake myself up…

I do some semi-normal weird sleep stuff, like steal covers and hog the bed, throw things at people, gnash my teeth, etc.

However, my BF does this one really bizarre thing. I mean, he talks in his sleep and I’ve had full conversations with him before, but this other thing is freaky. For the most part it happens while we are falling asleep, but every once in awhile it happens in the middle of the night.

So, we’ll be spooning, him behind me with his arms wrapped around me. I’m either asleep or almost asleep when suddenly he startles real fast, gasps very loudly and clutches me very tightly. It all happens real fast or all at once. Like he’s been surprised in a haunted house and I’m the teddy bear he brought with him for protection. It’s absolutely hysterical, especially since he swears he doesn’t do this and I’m just making it up.


When I go to sleep, I’m always on the opposite side of the bed from my BF. Occasionally, I will have dreams about snuggling up with a big, furry kitty, & after these dreams I inevitably wake up on my big, furry BF.

We’ve had sleep-sex a few times as well. I have learned not to ask him the next morning whether I dreamed that we did it, or if it really happened.

When I was in college, I was in the chorus. Occasionally I would wake up in the middle of the night and realize I was softly singing one of the pieces we were rehearsing.

I’ve been known to hum in my sleep. I also have been known to twitch. Quietgirl has been woken up more than once by my arm spasming while we’re both sleeping. Yeesh.

There are times when, while sleeping in the same bed with someone, I’ve woken up with my arm around their waist. :eek: Very embarrassing, to say the least. [sub]well, not if it’s quietgirl. But when it’s a friend, awkwardness can ensue.[/sub]

::blushes:: I think I do everyone of the things mentioned here, I’m a bad sleeper.

The sobbing in my sleep thing, I do that sometimes. You know sometimes I think the body just needs to cry and if you can’t do it when you’re awake, your body just takes over when you’re asleep.

Walk and talk in my sleep, yup I do that, but it’s gotten better as I age. I was terrible about it when I was a child, though.

That sudden startle right after falling asleep…all the friggen time.

The sleep sex? I thought everyone did that! :smiley:

The worst thing that happens to me when I’m asleep though, I don’t think anyone would notice. Oftentimes, when I wake up from a dream I literally can not move and am paralyzed for a good minute or two. I always think I’ve had a stroke and I’m going to live the rest of my life like that guy in the Metallica One video (forgot the movie they got that from, sorry). There is a name for this, Sleep Paralysis (I think) but I know nothing about it.

I’m happy to report that I don’t grind my teeth in my sleep, but Husband does. It bugs the shit out of me, but what are ya gonna do?

Oooh boy, where do I begin???

First of all, I thrash about and flail my arms and legs wildly, kicking and punching and such. It’s a wonder Mrs. Rasthaomie doesn’t wake up with bruises :eek: .

I talk, cry, moan and yell in my sleep on a nightly basis.

I drool so much the pillow gets soaked. :stuck_out_tongue:

I absolutely have to sleep naked. I mean, I can’t sleep if there’s an article of clothing anywhere on my body. If I have so much as my underpants on, I get so hot I feel like there’s a little gnome holding a blowtorch to my ass.

Can’t sleep a wink without the fan. The silence is utterly deafening.

But the weirdest thing is the screaming. On at least three occasions that I remember, I’ve woken up from a dead sleep screaming hysterically. I mean, screaming bloody-f*cking-murder SCREAMING at the top of my lungs. One night when I woke up screaming I noticed that I had managed to throw my alarm clock across the room. That must have been some feat, because in order to do that I would have had to reach around behind and under my mattress to unplug it. Jeez, that’s freaky :eek: !

So that’s my contribution to this thread. I’d like to see somebody top it!!!

I sleep like the dead, as far as I know all I do is drool at times.

However, I have a friend who makes the most…sexual noises in her sleep. MMMmmmmmmmm…AAHHHHHH…OOhhhhhhhh, like that. I never knew this until she & I and seven other people went camping. She and I shared a tent. She fell asleep before I did, and off she went.

Everyone else there thought there was something I just hadn’t been telling them about Barb and I… :smiley:

  1. I drool on my husband’s shoulder all night long. (he doesn’t mind)

  2. I startle when I fall asleep every night.

  3. Whenever I have a very stressful day at work, I continue to keep “working” in my sleep. I dream I’m at work and havve to get things done. Then I dream I’m falling asleep at the job. I then sit up in my bed. My husband has to gently pull me back to the bed several times a night.

  4. I used to sleep walk at friend’s houses when I was little.

  5. My dog has to sleep on the end of the bed pressed up against the back of my knees.

  6. I switch sides of the bed in the middle of the night. It pisses my husbnad off.
    My husband on the other hand has this bad habit of beating me up when he is asleep. If I go to sleep after he does, I can’t mess with him at all. He has a huge amount of strength when sleeping and has thrown me into the wall. He doesn’t know what he is doing. He doesn’t go to sleep anymore unless I go to bed with him.

BTW, my husband and I have had sex with both of us sleeping. He usually waked upin the middle though. I dream away…

Sleeping with you guys sounds like a barrel full of monkeys.

Anyways, add me to the list of strippers.

Sleep paralysis it is. Me, I get the Hallucinogenic version of it. Check this thread out, there’s some info and links about it if you want to find out a bit about it.


What do I do in my sleep? I fight. Literally. I have scars on my hands and holes in my walls to prove it.

There was a period of time I wasn’t feeling real happy or safe. I’d start to fall asleep and then start hyperventalating until I passed out. Then I’d sleep. I wouldn’t relax… I’d stay up until I was exhuasted and then hyperventalate until I passed out. (Not on purpose, just falling asleep was scary)

I didn’t know this until my parents found out…they made me sleep in thier room until I was closer to better.

*I sleep naked, so I have to make sure I don’t fall deep enough alseep at friends’ houses to wake up naked the next morning.
*Apparently I sometimes moan in my sleep.
*I also know I can hold lucid conversations in my sleep that I won’t remember.
*One time when we had relatives over, I woke them up because I was screaming bloody murder and “fighting” something in my sleep. They asked me what happened the next day and I had no clue what they were talking about.
*Sometimes I’ll wake up with a limb wrapped around whoever else is in bed with me.
*I’ve woken up with bruises anywhere on my body and have no clue where they come from.