What were the exact number of battles the AEF engaged in in WWI. 10? 13? 17?

What were the exact number of battles the AEF engaged in in WWI. 10? 13? 17? I haven’t been able to find a reliable number.

I think that’s probably a matter of definition rather than record keeping. What is a “battle” vs a skirmish or a front in a larger battle? AFAIK there is no remotely standardized way of defining that, so all the numbers you see are correct based on what counts as a “battle”.

That’s what I was going to say - define a “battle” in WWI.

Sometime around the late 19th century, armies started being in more or less constant contact with each other, and “battles” were really just periods of locally heightened activity. Prior to this change, armies were not in constant contact, and when they’d meet, a battle would ensue- look at how Gettysburg unfolded with the advance elements engaging, and the rest of the armies making a beeline for Gettysburg.

In WWI, they were more or less in constant contact very soon in 1914, and remained so for the rest of the war. Any “battles” that were had were the result of planned offensives, like the Somme or Cambrai.

That said, I’d say a good place to start would be the Army’s battle streamers awarded to units for fighting in WWI - there are 13 of them.

World War I Campaigns | U.S. Army Center of Military History

Thanks again bump. I had looked at that link you posted. Maybe that’s as close as you can get to a comprehensive list. If you get into the nitty-gritty, it get’s messy.