What will be the general issues in the 2014 U.S. elections?

For instance, everybody bitches about NSA surveillance and the national security state, but I haven’t yet heard of any Congressional candidate running against it. Will it emerge as an issue this year? Or what will?

Issues in state-level and local elections also open for discussion, but only to the extent they can be nationally or regionally generalized in their implications, if you please.

The same old issues: budget deficit, welfare, Obamacare, abortion, gay marriage, guns, global warming…

… and Benghazi.

But mainly local issues and personalities.

Democrats: minimum wage, income inequality, GOP war on women

Republicans: Obamacare, Benghazi, IRS “scandal”, black guy in White House

I thin income inequality will emerge as a serious issue, depending on the candidates, but I may be covered up quickly. Polls indicate it is a major issue for the populous, but it may not have legs to have the major parties exploit it.

The Republican, as a general rule, want to change the subject. The Democrats may be afraid to piss off major donors and be painted as anti-business. Further, income inequality may present the Democrats with the same problem Republicans have with health care in general and Obamacare in particular - they see a problem that can energize the base, but are flummoxed when you ask what they think the solution is. Sure, they can put forth a few cosmetic fixes, but the problem demands a systemic overhaul for which there is no consensus and serious risk.

This, plus immigration reform.

blah blah blah… create good paying JOBS… blah blah blah… hard working families of america… blah blah blah

From both sides.

This. Plus flag pins.

Income inequality, immigration reform (although republicans might put it off), and Obamacare of course.
Also, anyone think it’s funny that republicans say they’re iffy about immigration reform because they don’t think the POTUS will enforce the law while they’re the ones who have been trying absolutely ANYTHING to not have to comply with the new healthcare laws??

Bill Clinton’s blow job in the Oval Office.

Putting it off is what will make it an issue. Republicans were the first to bring up immigration reform literally the very day after the election, getting millions of peoples hopes ups just to go “lol, nope! we are still racist fucks” at the 11th hour is the main reason this will be a big issue.

The NSA won’t become an issue until Americans’ economic anxieties are mostly addressed, and until there are more Rand Pauls giving voters an option on the issue.

If the NSA scandal had emerged in 1998, I think it would have been THE issue, but in 2014 we’ve got bigger fish to fry.

The economy, as always will be a big issue. If growth strengthens, that will help the Democrats(and incumbent governors of both parties). If growth weakens, then the six year itch will hit full force. ACA is going to be a huge issue, with some major stuff scheduled to go down in October when many businesses will have to start cancelling their policies and pricing new ones. I’m sure the media will make a lot of hoopla about a Republican candidate’s gaffe, which Democrats will jump on to distract the public from ACA and possibly the economy.

Immigration is nothing in the midterms. See Gallup:

Immigration is pretty much everything for the fastest growing demographic.

If that was the case, it would score higher than 3% as the top priority. Besides, government policy has some control over what the fastest growing demographics are.

BTW, the real fastest growing demographic is elderly people and the fastest shrinking demographic is young people. That’s going to have far more profound effects on what drives politics than race.

Apparently not.

I don’t forsee anything new this election cycle:

Tea Party will run on ‘taking their country back’ by electing people who can’t win in a general election (thank god for idiots).

Dems will run on income inequality, women’s rights, saving the country from the crazies.

I think both parties have given up on creating jobs. We need millions of jobs but I don’t think either party has any credibility to run on in that area (the dems can’t create jobs, and the GOP couldn’t care less and it is obvious). Sucks, if a party actually had a good plan they could run on that.

I don’t think Obamacare will be a big issue. If the GOP couldn’t repeal it in 2011-2014 they won’t be able to repeal it in 2015. The GOP has no credibility to run on with the issue, they can’t say ‘this time we will repeal Obamacare’ since they had 4 years and couldn’t do it.

However this will hopefully lead to more tea party purity (see point one), which will lead to more general election losses for these people.

The GOP will go all-in in their efforts to make the entire election some kind of referendum on the ACA - as if the 2012 Obama landslide was a fantasy - and the Dems will do their best to fight the health care issue to a draw.

The thing is, the Republicans have absolutely no credibility when it comes to health care as an issue. Aside from motivating the GOP base, anti-ACA rhetoric doesn’t translate into more rightwing voters. The public doesn’t like Ocare, but they like what’s in it and they don’t want to see it repealed. Repeal is such an impossibility anyway, that I honestly don’t know if the Pubbies even believe it themselves at this point.

The Dems will run on a minimum wage increase, immigration reform, income inequality, etc.

At this point, I don’t think the Dems have any chance of retaking the House, though they might increase their numbers in that chamber. Nor do I think that they’ll lose the Senate, although their majority will slim up a bit.

At least in terms of the Senate, though, my prognostications can change up until the election. Come back to me in September.

What happens if the GOP runs and wins on Obamacare and two years go by without a repeal? Winning the senate won’t change anything with regards to that, they’ll have two years of symbolic votes and caving on things like the debt ceiling when the extremist try to force the fight.

There’s still some us to be gotten out of it though. It’s better to force Obama to veto, plus it forces the Democratic Presidential candidates to take positions on what Obama is vetoing. Be interesting to see which ones run against Obamacare and which ones support it fully and which try to have it both ways.

Besides, although the odds are long, if Republicans get a big enough win, maybe they can round up enough votes to override a Presidential veto. It sounds impossible, but you’d be surprised at what can happen in October when millions of people get cancellation notices for their employer insurance.