What would cause cloudy residential water?

I have begun to notice that the water that comes into my sink and toilet in the bathroom is extremely cloudy. Which also makes me think that I must be showering with whatever crap is in the water, as well.

At any rate, I haven’t done any investigation at all, and the home is relatively new to me. Any thoughts as to what would cause this? Old pipes? Some other problem within the house? Or could it be the quality of all of the water in the neighborhood. Any thoughts?

My well water is discolored after a heavy rain.
A mix of hot and cold water becomes cloudy, but returns to clear as it cools.

I’m probably no help, but I’ll stick around for the answer.

Sometimes a lot of air in the water can make it look cloudy - it’s actually tiny bubbles.

Has the city recently flushed the fire hydrants nearby? That can also stir up sediments in the pipes.

White cloudy, or brown cloudy?

White cloudy is usually just entrapped air in the water. Does it go away if you let a glass sit for a few minutes? Are there any weird odors or tastes? Did it just start, or has it been this way for a long time?

If it’s brown cloudy, do particulates settle out if you let a glass sit? Have you noticed the water department flushing fire hydrants in your neighborhood?

You’ll probably want to call your water department and ask about it. I don’t run your water system. Mine has some hydrant flushing going on, but not where people actually drink the water. I’ll get some complaints when I move in towards the businesses.

It’s white cloudy, and I haven’t paid enough attention to see if it stays that way. We’ve only lived in the house for about a month and a half, and I only recall noticing the cloudiness in the last week or so. It’s quite possible, due to being very preoccupied with other matters, that it has always been that way, but I just now noticed.

I think I’ll try filling a glass and seeing what happens after it sits for a while.

Fine bubbles form in my pipes somewhere and I get a glass of cloudy water. Give it 30 seconds and they’ve migrated to the top of the glass and just disappear.

Definitely call the water department, and they will calm your fears and tell you exactly what happened.
I run an apartment and I need the exact answer to calm the tenants, and they are glad to tell me.
One time they said they had replaced a fireplug on my street, and whenever they open the mains to air they have to add a good dose of chlorine to kill whatever might enter.
Another time they said the recent rains had roiled up the mud in the town reservoir so again with the chlorine. Another time they said they were switching from the reservoir to well water until the reservoir refilled. So again …

I’ve been paying more attention as of late, and it does seem that the cloudiness goes away after a minute or two of settling. Now whether that’s bubbles dissipating or sediment settling is still unclear. :wink:

Eh, if there’s nothing on the bottom of the glass and it looks white, I’d call it air and not worry about it.

Time for an experiment.
Fill a tall clear glass with water. Set it on the counter and wait 30 seconds to 1 minute. Observe. Is the bottom of the glass clear and the top cloudy? Air. Is the top clear and the bottom cloudy? Sediment.
If it is air you will see the bubbles move upward as time goes by.