What would Jesus watch on His TV and listen to on His radio?

If we turn on a TV (lets stick with the older analog ones) to a channel that has no broadcast we get snow (changing black and white dots), also if we tune our radio to a frequency where there is no station we get static.

Ok lets go back 2000 years, before the airwaves were cluttered by all the EM interference. Jesus, having some free time, decides to make a TV and radio, even though the 1st broadcast won’t appear for 1900 years. He turns it on (after solving the whole power issue), what does He see or hear?

Will it be the snow and static we do today, or will it be just blank and silent?

Noise and static. There is a natural “noise floor”. Even without artificial sources, there is thermal noise.

Pat Robertson

This Old House.

New Yankee Workshop.

If Jesus knew how often his name would pop up in the small hours on tv, he would cringe and then slap Benny Hinn on the forehead…to kill him not cure him.

Surely jesus would be disgusted by the amount of people claiming they need money in his name?

I’m disgusted for him and I don’t even believe in him!

Okay, this got me to thinking: What if Jesus’ TV or radio picked up signals from a civlization which is now dead? Would we still be able to detect those signals floating around in space, or is it something like once it’s sent, you better catch it, or that’s it?

Jesus wouldn’t have any better luck than we have had trying to pick up distant radio waves from outer space.

He’d hear that French woman on Lost.


Moved to IMHO.


I Love Lucy

Highway to Heaven

He’d wonder where the Greeks got their weird accent from, why the Romans were speaking such incredibly-bad Latin, and where all the Aramaic speakers went. And why there were so many Germans on TV all the time.

Jesus don’t NEED no TV or radios. He can pick up anything in the electromagnetic spectrum directly.

And, yeah, in that time, he’d pick up static, basically.