What would make these holes in dead grass?

Poor guy, he asked a question about crop circles so they disappeared him.


Well, I’ll take a stab even if the OP has been disappeared.

Around here (New England, USA) dead grass is sometimes caused by ‘grubs’ or other insect larvae , and skunks create the holes when digging for grubs.

or it could be those scalar weapons they had back in the '20s.

I’m voting for dog piss.


Holes = critter damage. Sod webworm, grubs, larvae, etc

Dead grass = disease and/or insect damage.


another vote for dog pee pee - our dog is very, very old and doesn’t drink enough water to properly dilute his urine - wherever he pees, a circle of grass dies.

before you ask - yes the vet knows and at almost 16 years old for a 100+lb lab, there’s little we can do other than keep fresh water always available.

If you read the, umm, OP you will see that the holes are apparently in dead grass. Urine can not make holes in dead grass. It’s not concentrated acid.

Of course with the poster having been imprisoned in Area 51 it’s kind of hard to know what he meant exactly.