What would they be? [question about presumed transgender individuals]

Stop. Don’t even engage. Martin Hyde’s ‘opinions’ on this topic are illogical, offensive and worst of all, boring and he’s all too ready to share.

To attempt to rescue a somewhat factual answer from the snark:

Sex is what genitals you seem to have when a doctor looks at them. If you seem to have a penis, you’re male. If you seem to have a vagina, you’re female. Usually, but not always, this correlates to genes when you’re born - if you have two X chromosomes, you’ve very likely got a vagina and you’re female. If you have one X and one Y chromosome, you’ve very likely got a penis and you’re male. If you have more than two sex chromosomes, or some of your cells have XY and some have XX, it’s anyone’s guess as to what your genitals will look like at birth. It used to be that the doctor would decide what gender you are, based on what he saw and what he thought the easiest surgical adjustment would be. Later on, parents were given the option of choosing the gender of ambiguously gendered infants. Now, if urine and feces will pass safely, most doctors will advise some version of “wait and see” and put off surgery until the child appears to select their own gender in young childhood, and then do surgery to match the sex to the gender.

Gender is what social role you play. Clothing choices, what bathroom you use, which circle you stand in during a Maypole dance, etc. If you choose mostly things that our society associates with men/boys, your gender is male. If you choose mostly things that our society associates with women/girls, your gender is female. The fact that these terms are the same terms we use for sex is confusing, but it doesn’t mean sex and gender are the same, any more than it means you can shoot an arrow with a bow.

Sexual orientation is how the gender of person you want to have sex/romantic relationships with compares to yours. If it’s a person of the same gender as you, then you’re homosexual (gay/lesbian). If it’s people of either gender, then you’re bisexual. If it’s a person of the gender you’re not, then you’re heterosexual (straight).

A person can be any sex, any gender and any sexual orientation. It’s a la carte ordering here - knowing one label does not give you any information about the others. A person can be a straight (orientation) male (sex) male (gender), or a gay (orientation) male (sex) female (gender) or any other permutation of the above three categories.

There are even more options than these, actually. But those are too convoluted to go into here, and probably more information than you really want at the moment. Suffice it to say that yes, you can be a person who was born a male (sex) who is now female (sex and gender) who prefers sex/romantic relationships with women…which I think is the question you’re actually asking.

Avoid using inflammatory terms such as “mutilated” or risk being warned for being a jerk. This is a sensitive topic and we are a board devoted to fighting ignorance; don’t contribute to it.