What would you do if you were a member of the opposite sex for a day?

I can’t really answer this one because I don’t rightly know what my opposite sex is.

If you mean birth sex, or sex as indicated by genitalia, and “becoming a member of the opposite sex” meant getting the genitals appropriate to that sex along with whatever other internal and external changes usually go along with that (but not psychological gender) then I’d beg, plead, bribe, etc. whatever powers that might be to make that day never end for me. Then I’d try damn hard to get myself pregnant.

A full inversion of both physiological and psychological gender would result in me being a pre-op female-to-male transsexual, which I think would depress me.

Been there, done that.

Yes - but you couldn’t do it at the Augusta National. :rolleyes:

callie, women can play at Augusta. They just can’t be members of the club.

Well, after the mandatory masturbation marathon, I suppose I’d wander over to a mirror and realize that all that gym time, beer, and the shaving of the head were probably a mistake.

Then I’d throw on my jeans, boots, plaid shirt, and head off to the local lesbian watering hole to see if anybody wanted to explore stereotypes. Failing that, since I’m pretty flexible about these things, I’d head for a regular bar and see who looked sober enough to perform but still drunk enough to ignore paragraph 1.

I look okay as a guy, but damn, this is not a good way for a woman to look.

Hmm, wait a minute, I know a guy who’s been questioning his sexuality a bit lately (he likes the bears, but women have all these neat curvy bits), maybe I could offer him a kind of “best of both worlds” experience.

Oooh, and I’d try to cadge free drinks based on my experience as a member of the 1992 Bulgarian women’s Olympic shotput team.

Well, reverse the genetalia we’re ending with and take out that pregnancy bit, and I’m with the “try and get it to stay that way” bit.

Actually, hell. If everything flipped, I’d still have mismatched brain and body, but I’d be wanting to go the direction that’s more common and easier to do… So it still wouldn’t be a total loss…


I’d be the damned ugliest woman that ever existed!

Grow a beard. I’ve always wanted one. Granted, it would take more than a day, but stubble would be better than nothing.

I’d like to be able to go to a brothel- if i can’t get sex for free, at least if you’re a guy you know you have the option of paying for it.

Test ride a motorbike without the sales dude patronising me and thinking I know nothing about engines or bikes.

Get a blow job. Lots of sex. All kinds of sex. Unfortunately most of the women I’m interested in are lesbians, so I’m not sure exactly who the sex would be with. Go out and pick up straight girls. Go out and pick up gay boys. Lots of masturbation.

Get some semen samples stored so that if I ever decide I want kids, my partner and i can both be biological parents of the kids.

Oh, and go to a gay sauna. I’ve always wanted to know what went on in there.

I’d probably play tennis next to some guys in the skimpiest outfit I could find…then slap them for ogling.

I’ve thought about this since I was in kindergarten-which I think would explain a lot. I think you would have to change places with someone; A random woman appearing would be odd. It would be interesting to see their social life and world , almost be an “observer” inside their brain for awhile before taking the reigns. I would enjoy wearing women’s clothes (probably too much) and probably fool around with myself and a guy - just to see what it’s like from the other side. I’d hope to be more attractive as a woman than I am now as a man.

What if someone becomes a woman for a day, is impregnated, and goes back to being male, but is still pregnant?

I don’t think I’d try that, but it’s worth some pondering.

Oooh, I’d probably see how far I could shoot. (You know what I mean!)

I’d probably end up spending the day slapping the willy around, and being mesmerized by it.

You don’t want to know. Trust me on this one.

First I’d have to figure out the whole walking with that thing, because as it stands I’m baffled as to how it works. I guess if you’re born that way it’s just normal, but it seems like it would complicate things when you’re trying to get comfortable. Underwear shopping to try out different styles would definitely be in order.

I think I’d have to throw my lot in with the pee-ers as well, since it must be harder to aim than it would seem. The real test would be setting the alarm to wake me out of a sound sleep, then seeing how good my aim is.

I’d have to try playing a couple of sports to see if I got any better at them. Oh, and video games. And I think I’d go and buy some heavy stuff I’d been needing at the hardware store; It’d be interesting to pick up a 50lb bag of something without getting partonizing offers of assistance for once. Of course, once they realized it was for my garden, they’d probably think I was gay, and I’d still get unwanted attention.

I’d have to get masturbatory experiments out of the way early in the day (how quickly/slowly/often ya know), because if I had a guy’s equipment, I’d have to do a much more masochistic experiment: I’d find a way to provoke someone into kicking me in the balls. Why? It would one and for all solve the riddle: which actually hurts more, that, or 24 hours of severe menstrual cramps? I figure I’d either gain empathy, or be able to authoritatively retort to men who whine that they’re wussy. Either one would be worth the pain :smiley:

FWIW, the few times it’s happened to me, it wasn’t so much the pain in the balls (though that’s not a good feeling either), but the severe abdominal pain that follows. It feels like everything was shoved up about six inches. Guys do have two advantages though - The pain doesn’t usually last a week, and, thankfully, nature didn’t provide that we have to get kicked there once a month!

Ha! Now that is some clever thinking. The problem is that if you were a guy you’d never plan that far ahead.

You’d only want to impregnate your partner, not yourself. Talk about the most imbred you can possibly get.

I disagree with tarnik with all due respect. Changing bodies with someone you know could be seriousl disasterous. I kind of read this thread thinking that I’d awaken in a woman’s body but in my life. As though the entire world has shifted as well. This is actually a more complex fantasy than one might think upon first glance.

If I awaken in my house with my kids, my Wifestrocity…and a woman’s body, one of two things would happen. I’d find out that she really does detest men, but at least has a thing for women, or I’d be out on my ear. Clearly that’s not what we are all fantasizing about here.

If instead, I awoke to find myself a woman but not in the life I am living ( for 24 hours ), I would resist the urge to indulge the more prurient aspects of being equipped that way. ( At least, for the first few hours… :slight_smile: ) Knowing that a 40-year old woman has no prostate recovery time to consider, I can wait on the diddlefest.

I read a passage in one of the Anne Rice vampire books that so perfectly fits what I believe my reaction would be. I’m a 6 foot 2 inch tall man who just let us say weighs over 235. Were I to awaken in the body of a woman who is of average build and height, I very much suspect that I would exist in a physical realm that battled terribly with what my mental realm was. In the Anne Rice passage, a vampire ( Lestat, I think…) was stripped of preternatural powers and found himself moving through rooms as a mortal human. All of the physical attributes of his former self were gone. In HIS case, he felt weak and was terrified by the experience. ( This is in NO way hinting that being a woman is a weakened existence, okay??? I’m just saying that the shift from MY current physical/mental reality to a female body/male mind reality might create this kind of schism. No offense intended or implied. )

Just as I find it highly telling that a lot of our woman Dopers are expressing an interest in going out and using their temporarly male bodies to do things they cannot do, I suspect that I would spend a lot of the day simply moving through the world as a woman. What it is like to deal with the dynamics of a walk down the block? ( In my head, I wouldn’t awaken looking like Cartooniverse with boobs, I’d awaken looking like an average woman of average size and appearance. How do I define that? I’d have to awaken and find out :wink: ). I’d plan my day. I’d deal with a crowded subway car and find out what the physical and emotional issues are with being bumped into with my body configured differently.

I’d go to work. Yes, I assume I’d be an adult who was working somewhere and therefore didn’t spend her entire day masturbating. How would I be treated? Would my work be handled differently? Of course, since I’d be in a new career, I’d have no basis in comparison so perhaps I’d be in the same career I’m in now, and go out to a shoot and shoot a job and see how the client and talent dealt with me as a female cameraperson. Since dealing with the subtle dynamic of gender-based interaction is part and parcel of everyone’s existence, I wonder how I’d handle the Sound Guy who hit on me, or the not so enlightened Client who ignored my every word and only listened to the men on the crew.

Not to be too much of a masochist, but I’d want to know how the other half lived in every way. The only way to know, is to expose myself to work, social and intimate experiences. For good or bad, there are things that would be worth experiencing through the day and well into the night.

I’d want to lay back aginst a pillow and look up at a lover’s face as he entered me as a woman. I’d want to know what that half of the most primal experience is like.

The physicality moment to moment would make me hyperaware in my male-brain of how I move as a male, opposed to a TempFemale. How do I walk, sit, reach, recline?

And yeah, you betcha, I’d want to find out what the dynamic is of being the other half of a sexual pair in bed. I’d discover what sequential orgasms were like, and find out what the post-orgasmic phase is like without all of the seratonin and other soporific endorphines coursing through my bloodstream that I ( and all men ) get post-orgasm.

I’d only want to go through this if I knew afterwards that I would be able to retain the memories of the thoughts and sensations. Why have this happen if it cannot lead to a more enlightened life as a man or woman afterwards?


Fascinating thought… and well-considered post from Cartooniverse.

Probably wouldn’t act much differently than most of you. There’s so much to try out - basically I’d do what I normally do - try to get in the same situations I do as a male. Try having a ‘normal day’, sort of.

Or maybe I’d call up a couple of female friends, explain to them and have a really girlish dressing up & styling session. Wear some skirts. Then go visit some other friends who are unaware of who I am. See if they’d recognize me and try meeting them again for the first time. Have fun, in other words.

And naturally, I’d want to see it from the other side, sexually. Any and all ways I can possibly fit into 24 hrs.

Hmm, it just occurred to me… If I remember my genetics correctly, a gender switch might be just the thing to clear up my little color-blindness problem.

So maybe I’d spend the day hitting the local art museums, and visit the beach in the evening to watch the sunset.