What would you do with 5 boxes of Star Trek books

He’s not allowed. His wife is mean, and needs the room for her yarn stash.

Weirddave’s wife

Weirddave might live considerably more than ten minutes from a used bookstore, so I don’t consider $38 in cash worth it.

Donate them to your local jail or prison. They all have libraries, and most of them accept donations. Ditto with old magazines.

I guess it’s a dumb thing to argue about, but $38 in gas will get me about 300 miles, so I considered it worth it.

Argh! Sorry!

The price of gas is not the true determining factor in how much it costs to drive somewhere. The real price of driving is about $.50 a mile, counting the depreciated cost of the car, the insurance, the amount of servicing and repairs to the car over its lifetime, and the gas.

So there’s not a used bookstore within 38 miles of a guy who lives in a major city? Give it up. Why are you even arguing about this? You sound like my mom, nitpicking every dumb detail just to look like you’re right. Jeez.

Now let’s try and factor in the extra wear caused by the weight of the books. Just for fun!

I sell used books on Amazon marketplace.

If you don’t want to, sell em to me!

BTW–Private Message or email me, please.

Places like hospitals and nursing homes are often happy to take good paperbacks. The people in those places are usually bored out of their minds. I’m sure a homeless shelter or half way house for battered people would like them too.

Cisco writes:

> So there’s not a used bookstore within 38 miles of a guy who lives in a major
> city? Give it up. Why are you even arguing about this? You sound like my mom,
> nitpicking every dumb detail just to look like you’re right. Jeez.

So when you question another poster’s comments, you’re acting like a typical Straight Doper in the tradition of Cecil Adams, trying to fight ignorance, while when I question your comments, I’m acting like your mother, nitipicking every detail? Oh, I see now. In fact, I know the used bookstores of the Baltimore-Washington area. A number of them have closed in the past few years and others are in dire economic shape. It’s hard for them to make the rent in this area. I was going to suggest that Weirddave take the books to Wonder Books at 1306 W. Patrick St. in Frederick, MD, the largest used bookstore in the greater Baltimore-Washington area. It’s far enough out in the suburbs to allow the rent there to be smaller. With five boxes of Star Trek books, he would probably get a nice large store credit, and there’s lots of books there that he might be interested in getting for the credit. If there’s a charity down the street from Weirddave that he can donate the books to, it’s possibly better for him financially to donate the books there and take the tax deduction rather than drive a ways to a bookstore and use the store credit to buy books.

Weirddave writes:

> Wendell, how many times have you been to my house? Did you ever notice the
> shelves and shelves and shelves of books? Do I want $200 credit to a used
> book store? Does a baby duck float?

You haven’t been to my apartment yet though. I own about 6,000 books. Take my word for it, my apartment is more crowded than your house, even though you have four people living in it and I live alone.

Actually this started when you deliberately edited out my “or $38” comment when you quoted me, and decided you wanted to stick to your guns about it so you didn’t look wrong. It continued when you decided to keep nitpicking after I said it wasn’t worth arguing about, but I personally considered it worth it.