stuff to change;
the physical properties of water, i.e. snow can be created year-round and at any temperature, not limited to winter, that way i could go skiing year-round
slow down the aging process of biological life, and make it more difficult for humans to overpopulate the planet
Chewing gum. More trouble than it’s worth.
Menstrual cramps.
Boxelder bugs, fish flies, squash bugs, and other insects who serve no other purpose than to suddenly appear at some point in the year in great numbers, die off, and stink when crushed.
I would re-organise the layout of the land, having it all in one big “clump” rather than split up as it is now, hopefully this way we can avoid annoying things like language barriers developing whilst still allowing for cultural differences. I would also make more land, we don’t need so much damn water everywhere. Also, I would make all the water fresh rather than salt-water so it doesn’t sting your eyes when you go swimming in the sea.
The male body could do with some redesigning. First, find a better, more protected place for those testicles. Outside, in a thin bag on the front porch? Not a good idea. Second, a bit more control over erections would be nice. None of the embarassing untimely ones and more of the timely ones. And more orgasms. This ten or twelve a day is just not acceptable.
Ahh, let’s see…flatulence is okay it we eliminate the smell and make the sound optional. All facial hair would be full and good-looking. Baldness would be out of the question. Teeth could be regenerated endlessly. And so on.
Make sex and procreation two totally separate acts, with the procreation being neither enjoyable nor painful. Then eliminate all STDs. (No more unwanted pregnancies; no more unsafe sex.)
Let men become pregnant as easily as women. Maybe men give birth to boys, women give birth to girls, or vice-versa.
Give humans the ability to breathe under water.
More butterflies.
Let us see our entire galaxy at night.
A couple more moons would be nice. And maybe some rings too.