What you see in other people's front seats of their cars.

Okay. Admit it. You sometimes walk to your car from the store and glance down into other people’s cars. You check out what they have going on in the front passenger seat. Admit it. Yes you, in the third row. You know you do it.

Me, I very rarely do it. It’s like one of those unspoken societal rules. What’s more mortifying than being CAUGHT looking into someone’s car by said car’s owner? What do you say??

What’s the coolest/eeriest/most disgusting/most profound thing you’ve ever seen in the front seat of someone’s parked car?


Pretty much the only thing I notice about the front seats of people’s cars is whether someone is sitting there ready to run me down in the lot. If there’s no body evident in the driver’s seat, I don’t pay much attention.

I do read bumper stickers as I walk along, tho. But that’s about it. Sorry to mess up your research… :smiley:

A “Love Ewe”

Hey. I drive a van. I get to look into peoples’ cars while we’re driving.

Well, let’s see…

coolest: little kids in car seats with those kiddie dashboards, with steering wheels and everything

eeriest: a mannequin

most disgusting: there was this one guy that passed me who was whacking off…

most profound: a mirror, so I saw my own reflection.

I suppose it is incumbent upon me , as the OP’er, to answer the questions as well, eh? :wink:

Coolest: Organ Donor Igloo Coolers on a seat.

Eeriest: A car accident victim. I watched a drunk woman flip and then roll her car 6 times. She was sprawled across both seats barely breathing. Dressed like ( incredibly ) either a bartender or waittress. I worked on her, thinking, ’ my god you see people get drunk at your job EVERY day, and yet you drove home drunk’. It was awful. I believe she died later.

Most Disgusting: There was this van that drove by me once while I was on the highway and the driver looked right down at me from up in his seat, and I was …uh… never mind. :eek: :stuck_out_tongue:

Most profound: Every time I walk past a car and see a prayer book of whatever denomination sitting on the passenger seat- open, it strikes me. Here’s somebody who uses their faith as a moment-to-moment touchstone, and was reading/praying just before they left their car.

E. Dickerson doing a line of coke in an SMU parking lot.

I hope just saying “E.” makes this post legal. If not, my most sincere apologies.

I often find people looking into my car!

What do they find?

A stuffed toy Boston terrier
and a stuffed replica of my car!