Whatever happened to Sarah Ferguson's criminal trial?

A few years back, Turkey issued an international arrest warrant for Sarah Ferguson (the Duchess of York, for the monarchically minded), alleging she had entered the country under false pretences, trespassed on government property, and violated the rights of some wards of the state. The British government refused to extradite her, and so the Turkish courts began a trial in absentia. The story was all over the British press for a time (see for example articles at BBC News and in The Independent) but coverage abruptly stopped in the spring of 2012.

Does anyone know what became of the trial? Is it still ongoing, or has it been put on hold, or did it conclude with a settlement or verdict or withdrawal of the charges?

The most recent article I’m able to find is this Bloomberg article from 25 September 2012, which doesn’t really give very much in the way of new information. (It says that Ferguson was pursuing an out-of-court settlement, but that’s what the papers had been reporting months earlier.)