What's a Dem President going to do about the border problem?

Between 2001 and 2017 the US government has spent a little more than a combined $5 billion on aid to Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador. You really think more money is the solution?

I dont give clicks to fox.

If the U.S. falls i to chaos, the most likely reason will be that ‘Democratic socialism’ is actually attempted.

After all, one of the main sources of refugees are the people fleeing by the millions from yet another attempt to create a socialist paradise. You know, the country that was praised by many on the left in America for its ‘bold experiment’ in socialism.

…yeah, America is being flooded with refugees from that cornerstone of the “bold experiment” in socialism that is known to all as Canada. The evils of Universal Healthcare! I’m surprised you haven’t headed to the borders yourself yet Sam. Its never to late to head to FREEDOM!

Here now Fox won’t get your coveted click and you can still watch the video, just tell me if you agree he brought up any valid issues.


In Sam’s defence, Canada is still pretty far to the right in some ways:
[li]It’s a pretty good place to be a serial killer if your target of choice is First Nations women.[/li][li]They still have the monarchy.[/li][li]They still hate the French as a matter of ethnic identity, like good Englishmen.[/li][li]Even if barristers don’t wear wigs, I think judges do?[/li][/ol]

By comparison, the USA must seem like a communist hellhole of progressivism. Add in the likelihood that you can lose everything to medical bills, it’s understandable that Canadian conservatives stay put. They just want to tell us commies down south that we’re doing everything wrong.

Every four years we’re warned that the Democratic presidential candidate will enact socialism if elected. Either right before or immediately after confiscating all our guns.

And four years later, we’ll receive the same warning. At what point will it occur to the average Republican voter that we aren’t socialist and we still own guns? And that maybe we should start discounting these warnings?


Republicans don’t think we should invest in countries that people flee from, but they’re willing to spend orders more than that to build a ridiculous fucking wall which will still leave the fleeing people in a situation worth fleeing from. Only they’ll encounter the most impressive wall when they get here.Yeah, gotcha. The only thing missing is the plan scrawled in crayon.

I think Québec might want a word with you.

Depends on which one wins. For example, if it is Sanders he’ll deport them because open borders is a Koch conspiracy. If it’s Harris, she’ll probably slap a fireman’s uniform on them and send them out into the brush.

America has had “Democratic socialism” since at least 1938 when Social Security was signed into law. Then there’s the various The Antitrust Laws, starting in 1890, public libraries, Obamacare, the EPA, OSHA, the VA, Medicare, etc, etc etc.

The reason Venezuela failed was that it was Autocratic.

Democratic Socialism , as opposed to Autocratic socialism, works very well.

The United Nations’ World Happiness Report shows that the happiest nations are concentrated in Northern Europe, where the Nordic model—which democratic socialists want to strengthen against austerity and neoliberalism—is employed, with the list being topped by Denmark, where the Social Democrats led their first government in 1924, then through the 1930s and 1940s until 1947, then again from 1953 until 1966, in 1971, from 1975 until 1981, from 1994 to 2001 and finally from 2011 to 2015. This is at times attributed to the success of the Nordic model in the region, where similar democratic socialist, labour and social democratic parties dominated the political scene and laid the ground to their universalistic welfare states in the 20th century. The Nordic countries, including Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden as well as Greenland and the Faroe Islands, also ranked highest on the metrics of real GDP per capita, economic equality, healthy life expectancy, having someone to count on, perceived freedom to make life choices, generosity and human development.[232][233] Likewise, countries adopting similar policies have ranked high on indicators such as civil liberties,[234] democracy,[235] press,[236] labour and economic freedoms,[237] peace[238] and freedom from corruption.[239]

$5B is a trickle of piss into a very large bucket. That’s roughly one 100th of one year’s budget in the US. It’s like handing a homeless person a $10 bill and figuring that you’ve ensured he’ll be living in a nice, safe home by day’s end. :rolleyes:

You guys are just absolutely determined that Democratic Socialism is the same as Social Democracy. It absolutely is not. Sweden is not a Democratic Socialist country. Neither is Canada, or any of the other Scandinavian countries.

I have linked to the Democratic Socialists of America web site many times. They are very clear in what their beliefs are - they want businesses taken away from their owners. The ones small enough will be run by ‘Worker Co-Ops’, and the ones too large to be run that way will be nationalized and run by the government. All decisions about the economy will be made ‘democratically’ (i.e. politically) rather than determined by capital or the choices of people engaging in commerce.

You may wish that they didn’t believe that, but as Jayne says, “If wishes were horses, we’d all be eating steak.”

That some folks who identify as “Democratic Socialists” want to do this doesn’t mean that all who identify as or support Democratic Socialists/Socialism do. I’m unaware of AOC or Bernie advocating for taking away small businesses from their owners, or nationalizing all or most large businesses.

AOC is a card-carrying member of the Democratic Socialists of America.

If a Republican was a member of the Nazi Party, I’m pretty sure you wouldn’t accept a defense such as, “Well sure, he might be a member, but he doesn’t really believe all that white supremacist stuff. Maybe he just misunderstood what they stand for. And besides, I haven’t heard him mention gassing the Jews even once.”

If you read their web page and decide “This is an organization I want to join,” then I am going to assume that you are at least broadly aligned with what they want. Because you’d have to be an idiot to join the DSA if you believe in free markets and private ownership of business, but just want a stronger social safety net.

*Current Campaigns
DSA and YDSA chapters organize around a variety of issues based on local priorities, especially labor solidarity and anti-austerity work. However, the national office provides resources and support for the main activist priorities of the organization as voted on by delegates to our national convention:

Medicare for All

Strong Unions*

Boy those are sure scary. :rolleyes:

Current spending levels are about the same as we spend on military bands.

If people coming over the border is a bigger problem than a military ceremony without John Philip Sousa being played live as opposed to by mp3, I think we can reallocate to higher priorities.

That assumes that foreign aid to those countries would improve conditions for those who view migration as beneficial. Unfortunately foreign aid often intensifies internal struggles to control the state apparatus and worsens conditions for the recipient countries.

Yeah, Japan and Western Europe are real shitholes. You’ve really come through with another excellent point.

I’m not joining the organization, but I don’t accept your description as accurate. Their website specifically rejects central planning of an economy, and specifically endorses market forces for consumer goods.