What's a fun way to tell our families of our pregnancy?

This is not their first grandchild…from us it is. We’ve not told anyone in our families yet (waiting until everyone is in the same place at Christmas). How should we tell them? (twins no less)

Our ideas so far:

  1. Everyone gets a congratulations card (Grandma, Grandpa, Aunt, uncle, etc) that they open at the same time.

  2. same as 1) but everyone gets two cards (ha!, twins!)

  3. just tell them that we are pregnant and let the congratulations and joy commence, then let slip that it is twins…later and a whole new round of hilarity ensues.

  4. buy a minivan

  5. buy a volvo

  6. ?

Can you get everyone together at the Club Babalu and have Ricky Ricardo sing “We’re Having a Baby, My Baby and Me?”

Might not be too easy to arrange, but VERY effective.

[big dumb guy voice]Eve funny![/bdgv]

I love the episode of America’s Funniest Home Videos where they give the expecting Grandma a wrapped present, I think it was baby booties and then she freaks out. This is not the first grandchild, but is it the first set of twins? I say, wrap up two pair of booties and have Grandma open it while everyone else stops and watches. Gosh, I wish I could be there!

“The bad news is, we’re not going to have a baby.
The good news is, we’re going to have TWO babies!”

Or you could tell them, “guess we have to get married, now…,” which is only funny if you actually are married.

Tell them you’re going to have an octopus. Either that or twins…

Hmm, if you were hosting everyone, you could decorate the house in pairs of things to the point of silliness, so they’d just have to ask why you did it.

How about you and your wife dressing exactly alike? “Hey, you guys are dressed like twins!” “Funny you should say that…” :wink:

I’d be tempted to make the announcement that you’re expecting. Let the congratulations abound, accept the hugs, the slaps on the back, etc. Then when it’s all died down, say you have to make another announcement: That it’s twins.

That sort of gets the news across in the same way I assume you got it–first the BIG news… then the BIGGER news!

Hang up a extra pair of tiny little stockings, in pink and/or blue, if you know the sexes already. Maybe label them Thumper 1 and Thumper 2?

I’d be tempted to go with number 3: make the announcement that you’re expecting. Let the congratulations abound, accept the hugs, the slaps on the back, etc. Then when it’s all died down, say you have to make another announcement: That it’s twins.

That sort of gets the news across in the same way I assume you got it–first the BIG news… then the BIGGER news!

Rats, I suspect I just posted this twice because I, well, because I screwed up my edit attempt. Argh.

At the dinner table, say, “Hey, y’all, I done been knocked up.”

  1. Once everyone is gathered around early Christmas morning, throw up on the oriental rug. Twice. This assumes the gathering is not at your house.

  2. Ask, in the form of a riddle, if anyone knows what happens when you have sex twice in the same night. Have your husband ask who you were with the second time. Hilarity ensues.

  3. Hi Opal!

Any pictures of kids with Santa around? Look at them and say “Gee your kids look cute. I hope ours come out that good next years with the twins.”

Kinda bad, but Ask for a martini, or a scotch on the rocks, then say Wait, Make that a double/triple, Im drinking for 3 now.

Here’s what my gal-friend’s sister did:

At Xmas a few years ago, after all the presents had been opened, there was one that was to be the last one. She said that it was from her husband and herself to everyone.

It was a small box, and her mother opened it to find–a pacifier.

She (the mother) said, “What’s this for?”

The (pregnant gal’s) response, “You might be needing it soon.”

Get Grandma one of those “easy-bake ovens”. Put two buns in it.

DON’T TELL THEM!! Then as the Mrs. (?) gets fatter and fatter, (an eventuality, even though you will NEVER tell her this) just play it off.

Mom: Gosh, dear, that cooking class seems to be working! Or, are you pregnant?

Wife: I have no idea what you’re talking about.


Mom: Gosh, dear, you seem to be awfully sick, what with the power vomit and all, are you pregnant?

Wife: I have no idea what you’re talking about.


Mom: Gosh, dear, you seem to be wearing clothes by Coleman. Are you pregnant?

Wife: I have no idea what you’re talking about.


Mom: Gosh, dear, two little infants just popped out of your <edited>. Were you pregnant?

Wife: YIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWW! I have no idea what you’re talking about.

Trust me. Don’t tell ANYONE (b’cept us). If they find out, they will stop paying attention to you and only talk to your wife!


P.S.: Congratulations!! Try not to listen to those stupid comments like “Your life is really going to change!” and stuff like that. Of Course your life will change, DUH. The sad thing is that you can never fathom just how much until you’re there. but then it’s OK.

I think the idea of doing things twice is kind of cute. Maybe, when the people you want to tell are around you could start doing things twice. Bring out an extra cup of coffee. Put an extra setting of silverware at every place…that kind of thing. Things that are quirky and will attract attention–‘Why did you do that twice?’
Then you can smile knowingly and answer simply, ‘Practice.’

It might take a minute for it to register, but you’ll have a room of shocked faces looking back at you.

Congrats, btw.


I can tell you what we did last year when my wife was pregnant. She got multiple copies of her first ultra-sounds, had them framed, and gave them to my parents for Christmas. Then when they opened their gifts, we took a picture of their reaction.

It was quite fun!

Dagwyr, that was what I was going to suggest! I think it’s a precious idea! “My first picture of my grandchildren” kind of thing!

give doublemint gum out to all.

I remember this one, too. But she didn’t give her booties. She gave her the positive pregnancy test. And it wasn’t the grandma that freaked–it was the woman’s sister, jumping up & down, screaming “I’m gonna be an aunt! I’m gonna be an aunt!”

That one won some money, too, IIRC.

As for telling them, well, I’ve never been good at that. Not creatively, anyway. I like the card idea, though!

Oh, and congratulations! :smiley: