Pretty much what the title says.
My mum has started getting really noxious spam. Any recommendations for the best way to stop it?
It’s a business account so it can’t be changed and a whitelist wouldn’t be feasable.
Pretty much what the title says.
My mum has started getting really noxious spam. Any recommendations for the best way to stop it?
It’s a business account so it can’t be changed and a whitelist wouldn’t be feasable.
Stupid question, do you have the MS settings turned on for the spam? Also, the filters (menu, tools, rules) work pretty well for me, although it takes a couple of tries to get them worked out. You can have the rules put everything into the trash or create a “junk” folder to check and empty periodically.
See if you can buy a software called Spam Inspector or someone had suggested to me a soft called Mail Washer which I never got using cause Spam Inspector was really good. My junk mail had gone down to around 2 a day from around 20 -30.
Mailwasher it’s from New Zealand just like Lord of the Rings, it’s gotta be good.