What's a more modern synonym for "Peyton Place"?

I totally disagree with the Lynch references. Speaking as someone eleven years older than Sampiro (and therefore alive and conscious at a time when this reference was more contemporaneous), regardless of what the novel itself referred to, the cultural concept of Peyton Place was much closer to that of Wisteria Lane, or the TV shows Dallas or Dynasty than Twin Peaks. Say Twin Peaks today, and people think of weird quirkiness and really eerie, scary, even supernatural stuff, while Blue Velvet is just more of David Lynch’s crazy-person twisted stuff.

Fairview, the town from Desperate Housewives, is much closer to what people thought of when they thought of Peyton Place (which comparatively few people would have actually read). Lovely and quiet on the outside, and all sorts of goings on under the surface.

I never saw nor read Peyton Place, but I can say with some certainty that the cultural reference (as opposed to what it was actually about) of Peyton Place, as referenced in Harper Valley PTA, was implying well-concealed underlying scandal, primarily of a sexual nature. I can’t think of a single contemporary cultural reference that would be widely understood equivalently, but Biggirl’s idea of Real Housewives probably comes closest.

What you say makes good sense, Oy!, and perhaps another “town” that captures another aspect of “things ain’t what they seem” that is off in another weird direction is The Stepford Wives (1975) (the original) – and not the pathetic remake The Stepford Wives (2004) – although both movies and their towns are fun ways for poking into that aspect of apparent serenity and Eden-like existence where there’s uglier truth lurking below the surface.

I have little doubt that the filmmakers in those two movies were well aware of the Peyton Place paradigm. But I would say the same for those Lynch movies you dismiss.

Ooooo Betty Anderson. (Barbara Parkin) I feel a swoon coming on. I was 9 years old when I sneaked a peek at Peyton Place but sent to bed by my mum. Perchance to dream…


Cultural references are a moving feast born of mesmerising images. If your group is too small then the roman-a-clef dies.

I don’t believe television creates this type of enduring icon anymore. Movies still do as does real life. Witness Pippa Middletons derriere, and indeeed the elder Kartrashian glutus maximus.