What's a Pack of Two-Four (McKenzie Bros 12 Days of Christmas)

Those of you who remember the “Great White North” segments on SCTV should also remember the favourite brands of Bob and Doug, which were prominently displayed on the set: Molson Canadian, with the occasional Labatt Blue. Very common and widely-available mass-market brews–the Canadian versions of Bud and Miller, you might say. Definitely not Tuborg, or anything else imported or fancy.

A two-four is, as others have said, a case holding 24 beers. “Six packs of two-four” is a usage I’ve never heard outside the McKenzie Brothers’ song–it’s more common to say, “Six two-fours.” But I guess it makes the rhythm work.

And it’s certainly easier to say after you’ve had a few. :wink:

Send some down, eh? Labatt’s in the USA is Miller Beer. And the Molson - even in New York - is not the same. I have a tape of those guys at “My Father’s Place” in their ‘tour’. I reckon they dissed the local beer too.

In their movie Strange Brew - the beer was Elsinore. A rather fine, subtle mind-controlling lager.

Bite your tongue! That’s like saying Dom Perrignon is the French version of Thunderbird wine.

We have 2-4’s of beer here in Alberta, although most of the people I know call a 2-4 a ‘flat of beer’, because it’s usually shipped on a cardboard flat of two cases.