What's fall like?

I agree with everything said here! This Lizard can stand cold weather at all.

Oh come on, you two. We get GREAT falls up here in da Yoop, and our winters are much worse that you trolls get. Spring is not winter, it’s spring, which sucks. It’s not just cold, but it’s cold & wet because all the snow is melting, you’re anxious for summer to come, and even if it’s sunny out it’s still 45 degrees and did I mention, muddy & wet?

My fav seasons in order are: summer, fall, winter, spring. In their best forms, each one is really nice, save spring. A good summer, like we had this year, hovers around 70-85 degrees, not too humid. Throw in a couple 85-90 degree days to go to the beach, and it’s glorious. Fall is cooler but still nice, with crisp air and leaves turning. Winter, (again, if it’s a good one) starts for real in early December, and if we’re lucky has lots of snow by Christmas.

Spring happens in March, at the earliest, April is more common. I judge the start of spring as when the snow starts to melt. Then it gets muddy and cold until May or June. It’s not unheard of to still have pockets of snow in June, though. But that’s a bad year.


Moving to IMHO.

If you want a really unpleasant fall, California is your geography. The (you hope) end of a six month drought, everything that hasn’t been watered with a hose is doornail dead or hiding, the air is the worst quality of the whole year, fires have left thousands of acres charred and fire season isn’t over yet, and September is generally one of the hottest months of year on the coast, since the inner parts are beginning to cool, disrupting the cycle that sucks cold air off the ocean and makes the coastal areas breezy and wonderful during the summer. Fall is California’s February. Everything is ugly and dead and hot and waiting for the winter rain is agonizing. I’m enormously grateful I don’t have to experience another one.

Well, we don’t get fall, we get Autumn :wink: but if that’s allowed (I’m in SW England).

For many people, Autumn is a favourite time of year. The air starts to feel fresh and chilly, we get to dig out our warm clothes, pop the heating on, fire up the wood burner and cook a comforting stew.

Children get to play conkers and jump into piles of leaves. I used to collect chestnuts in the woods with my Dad when I was young. The TV gets MUCH better, as all the TV companies compete with their most expensive productions of the year.

There’s still days when it’s surprisingly warm (I even hung my washing outside this morning), but it’s more unpredictable. Wet and windy days come with more frequency. But otherwise, it’s rather lovely… romantic, even.

I spent the first two weeks of September in Israel and Turkey, where it was unrelentingly hot. By the end, I was dying for the cool air of Autumn - it was the only thing I was looking forward to about going home. I’d hate to live somewhere without proper seasons.

W-w-w-w-w-well, based on current experience, fall in Burgundy consists of five minutes between “does late summer always last so long here?” and “holy shit, where did I put my thick coat?” Trees still haven’t figured out they’re supposed to be turning colors but the thermometer has taken a dive.

Guess it makes up for spring in the Ebro Valley, which consists of four hours between leaving the house dressed up like a navy-blue Michelin man and coming back with your sleeves rolled up.

In the Mediterranean coast of Spain, the fall is mostly of water. September and October usually get over 75% of the annual local rainfall, in the form of heavy storms that turn flat, wide riverbeds which spend the rest of the year dry into raging rivers. Not the best time to come visit! And in the Northern half of Spain it’s the period when people walking to Santiago wear less bikinis, more knit sweaters, and when groups of trees which have spent the summer been similar shades of green suddenly realize they’re all different species and some go yellow, some go red, some stay green while wondering what the heck is up with the neighbors and why are they stripping down (I always picture the very-surprised perennials looking kind of like Ms. Rottenmeyer and going “what are you. girls. doing?” at the willows).

In order, I like:


Over on the coast here in NorCal, fall is when the cold, foggy summer weather breaks and we finally get warm, sunny days. October is the peak. Last year, we had at least one day when the temperature hit 90! :eek:

Where in Texas? For instance, October in Austin is pretty freaking awesome.


Fall is the best season here. Beautiful trees, cool air, but not cold, the weather tends to be dry with a decent amount of sun. The animals are moving, the fish are biting, the pawpaws are ripe, you feel like being outside. September and October are the bomb in WV. Of course, the negative is that you’re probably going to get your first snowfall by the end of October and you know that winter is right around the corner, so… it’s a last hurrah before SAD sets in.

For me, it’s the best. I hate hot weather. I hate endless days of sun. My preferred climate is about 50-70F with clouds in the sky. I do need some sun, but I hate cloudless skies. I love the rain. I love wearing jackets and sweaters. The beautiful colors of changing leaves are a bonus. I love fall food. It is everything I want from a season. In order, my favorite seasons are fall, winter, spring, summer.

Fall is probably my favorite season. By the end of summer, I’m tired of hot and humid and ready to wear sweaters and coats. I like being out in the woods when it’s brisk and the leaves have changed. I also don’t mind the rain and gloom. Everything seems a little more serious and meaningful in the fall and maybe a tad pretentious in that sophomore year of college kind of way. Summer is for reading cheesy novels on the beach and drinking crappy beer, but fall is for reading real books and drinking wine by the fire.

Having lived in both northern New York and southern Texas, I would say that February in Texas is like October in New York.

That’s the other thing. Summer makes me really lazy. I don’t want to do anything when it’s 85+ and humid outside. Fall energizes me, whether its going outside when it’s brisk and dry, or staying inside when it’s gray and gloomy. I just want to get things done in the fall in a way I don’t any other season.

I agree. Just this week, I’ve started work on cleaning out the garage and some landscaping around the house. Something about fall makes me want to get my act together, I wonder if it’s because I still associate it with the beginning of the school year?

There are state parks in Texas not all that far from where the OP lives that offer excellent fall color.

I’ve been to a couple of them in springtime.

QFT by a Californian.

When I was a kid, it also meant going back to school during the hottest, smoggiest part of the year. You had purchased some nice fall clothing, but couldn’t wear it for a couple of months yet. Often, it meant going to the hot home of a grandparent and trying to eat Thanksgiving dinner when it was too warm to enjoy it.

My birthday is in early October. I like my birthday present to be a nice dinner at a good restaurant, and I remember many birthdays being wrecked because it was too hot, smoggy and miserable to enjoy a dinner out.

Fall in Ohio is the shit. Sadly it does seem to be getting shorter - summer is longer and winter gets here sooner.

The lack of humidity is like…it’s indescribable unless you’ve experienced the humidity. I mean you can have a 72 degree day with 70% humidity and you want to die, and a 72 degree day with 20% humidity and you’re wearing a long sleeve shirt.

Yesterday we had BRIGHT blue skies, fluffy white clouds and a cool breeze. Almost everyone I knew was out at the pumpkin farms taking photos (since there was no Browns football this Sunday).

Love it in Delaware. I would like 2 seasons, spring and fall here. Maybe a few days for summer and winter (4th of July, Christmas).