What's fall like?

We certainly had fall in the part of Texas where I grew up.

Good points all, and we certainly are enjoying it. We actually don’t mind the slower pace of driving because we have had our fill of being tailgated at 75 mph on CA SR-78 in North County.

Every day lately we see another tree has turned, either from green to its first fall coat, or from that to something else, say a more intense shade of gold. The predominance of deciduous color- changing trees has been a revelation to me, given my typical preconception that the PNW had mostly evergreens. From what I remember on my previous trip to the region, the conifers do predominate farther north, but here in Eugene that seems to be true only at the higher elevations.

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Yet another peculiar congruence of a post and the screen name of its user.

What’s wrong with “fall”? If it was good enough in 1680 it’s good enough now dadgummit!

But if we had my way we’d all go back to using the even older expression “leaf-fall”.

I’m also a Texan, and have lived my life in one of 3 places- Houston, College Station and Dallas/Fort Worth.

We have Fall/Autumn, but the “classic” stretch is maybe a couple of weeks in early November where the temps are cool, and the trees start changing colors, etc… Before that, everything is still green, and the temps are warm, if not hot. For example, right now, ALL the trees in my neighborhood are green as can be- oaks, pecans, pears, maples, etc… It’s actually greener out there now than it typically is during the summer, because everything is getting more than enough water, which isn’t the case in the summer.

What happens w.r.t. the trees is we’re far enough south that by the time the day length gets short enough for the trees to start turning colors, there’s very little time left before we start getting cold enough weather that causes the leaves to just turn brown and drop. Some years, they don’t really even turn- they just drop.

To me, it’s more of recognizing what Fall looks like here, and that’s actually verdant greenery, more rain and lower temps. Pretty fall leaves and what-not aren’t our thing.