What's feels the best? YET ANOTHER Thread for the guys.

Ass scratching feels the best. You have so many more nerve endings there than in your sack. Besides, this wasn’t a question of which one was more acceptable to the public eye, so screw 'em.

Are you sure there are more nerve endings in the ass? It seems like there should be more in crotchel area for evolutionary purposes. A sensitive sack will make sure your little soldiers keep marching on…a sensitive ass will just keep make you cautious of wiping (and hemorroids or whatnot).

They both feel really good, for different reasons. An itchy asshole feels good when you scratch it because, presumably, you’re getting rid of the itch. But scratching the sack, well, it just feels good, whether the boys itch or not.

Well, my absolutely fav place for a good scratch is, believe it or not, my eyes.

It’s true. I get really bad hay fever and my eyes get pretty irritates so I stick the heel of my palms in there and get down to it. 'Course once you get going with that kind of thing, it gets hard to stop.

Between buttholio and sack… no contest. Sack all the way. Butt-hole sensitive-scratch bad.

I would like to state that, as any redblooded male, I DO scratch my sack first thing in the morning. I mean, I don’t want you guys to think I’m some sort of freak or anything. It’s just that when there a REAL itch, there’s nothing like a good butt scratch.

Thank you ladies, you can uncover your eyes now, and maintain your image of Coldfire as “Innocent Li’l Clog Boy” :wink:

Ever get a Mosquito bite on your sack?!?!

OH BOY there is NO worse thing in the world. Your stuck at work in a “not able to ram my hands down the front of my pants” position, shifting your legs, sweating. Praying to God to make the itch go away.

Then you run the restroom, rip open the pants, grab your scrotum by the mosquito bite bump.

From there its just “stretch, roll and scratch” into extacy!

Reading this is making my “boys” itch by the way. Thought you should know.

I think I’m going to go at my scrotum with a stiff bristled hair brush. And no it won’t be MY brush. :smiley:


I tried sooooo hard not to read this thread. I really did. But curiosity finally got the better of me. Sigh. I really need to start listening to the voices in my head.

Up until about a month ago, I would have gone with the sack scratch, no question. But that was until I had to megadose on a variety of antibiotics for a couple of weeks, with the non-uncommon side effect of developing a KILLER case of jock itch right on the ol’ sphincter. Holy CRAP, that’s uncomfortable.

Until I could get myself geared up with the proper sprays and ointments and everything else in the treatment regimen, I was constantly dodging into restrooms for a VERY satisfying toilet-paper rubdown. Not really a re-wipe, but the paper’s so you don’t come away with, um, stuff under your fingernail.

So given that experience, and the freshness of the memory, I’m gonna have to weigh in on the asshole side of things.

And if this description doesn’t convince the ladies to stay away from “for the guys” threads in the future…

Mrs. ricepad is always gripin’ at me for scratchin’ my boys…and I just tell her she has no idea how good it feels…

Sounds stupid but I though I pioneered the Pinch-and roll term! Futa, back to the drawing board with this one :smiley:

The pinch and roll, carefully done is most satisfying. However, I must also say that anyone who has roids know how satisfying the “toilet paper massage” feels.

LoL, how sick…how low has Homer stooped this time?


I don’t have a sack to scratch.

I think scratching my sac [sic.] is best.

I managed to stay out of this thread for 4 days. It just kept popping back up & finally I couldn’t stand seeing that one blue thread surrounded by red.

I think I’ve been struck blind. I have to go now.
Can someone get me a white cane?

There’s nothing in the world like taking off a bra I’ve been wearing for 12 hours and itching my tits.

I’ve actually left nail marks it feels so good…


Sue, what do you say you scratch mine and I’ll scratch yours?
Hey guys, how did you leave Sue itching for almost a day?

dewt–I don’t for one minute belive you are talking about your eyes.

Definitely the balls. The butthole feels pretty good, but that can usually be taken away through better wiping and/or a rubdown with a wet washcloth. Sometimes the balls just ITCH and ain’t nothing to do but scratch.

first of all: sack, most definitely

To remedy this, I need to date that funky mythological goddess with the 6 or 8 arms. Imagine…full body scratch session, mmmmmmmmm!

the butthole for sure … shifting around in your pants can help an itchy ballsac but nothing does any good for that poor ol’ sphincter !