What's hip in Abu Dhabi?

Just found out that my presence will be required at a departmental meeting this June, tentatively to be held in er, Abu Dhabi.

Abu Dhabi, Abu Dhabi, Abu Dhabi. Can’t help smiling every time I say it.

I’ve spent considerable time in Egypt and Tunisia, but the Gulf is new to me. I’m sure vast numbers of our worldly, well-traveled Dopaholics have been there. What’s it like in June? Any can’t-miss sights? Any sights, full stop? Interesting anecdotes that might edify the traveler? Customs I should never violate on pain of being beheaded by a jewel-encrusted scimitar?

Any and all advice will be appreciated, to the point of buying a round if I ever actually see any of y’all.

Any chance you’re getting married soon? You could have an “Abu Dhabi Honeymoon!”

Er, yeah, and if I threw a party while there it would be an “Abu Dhabi Do”.

Kittens. I hear that they have lots and lots of cute kittens in Abu Dhabi.

I can’t believe this is what my 200th post is about… :smack:

Dunno… but the airport there is a real trip. You could easily spend 5-6 hours a day having your mind blasted out by the huge purple, green, blue and red tiles tiles on the curved ceiling. It’s crazy.
I was blow away when I landed there a few years ago.

I don’t think I’ll ever be able to hear the name “Abu Dhabi” again in my entire life without getting that song from Garfield’s old cartoon show stuck in my head:

Abu Dhabi, that’s where it’s at!
Abue Dhabi, right off the track!

The worst part is that those are the only two lines I remember, so I just repeat them over and over again in my head until I eventually go crazy.

Oh well. I won’t hold it against you, El_Kabong. Just make sure you say hello to Nermal for me.

I’ve got a buddy of mine who’s probably spent some time there. His information will no doubt be a few years out of date, but if there’s anything, uh, interesting there, he’ll know something about it.

June? Hot. Modern city, western style stores and shops available, but fabulous non-western architecture. You should enjoy it.

Aaaaahdj, Man! For stealing a pun I’ve been wanting to make for years here if only somebody would mention the chief metropolis of the United Arab Emirates, you can say “Dubai” to our friendship! I challenge you to a duel – puns at dawn! Send your Sharjah d’Affaires to confer with my second!


Well, checked with my buddy, and that’s apparently the only place in the Mid-East he never spent any time in.

Briefly then:
(a) Hot, really seriously hot.
(b) Humid.

Dubai is where the action is, short drive away. Shopping, duty free. I suppose you can swing by Borj al-Arab to see ridiculous excess. Emirates population is overwhelmingly transient expat so you should barely notice the locals.

Perhaps Istara has more profound obs., I personally don’t like either Abu Dhabi or Dubai.

I hear that there are a couple of gentlemens clubs where the women will show some ankle.

Um, just how expensive is the shopping in Abu Dhabi? Is it all over-priced designer originals that you have to sell a kidney to afford? Are there any stores like Target or Walmart over there? What’s the exchange rate like? Curious shoppers wannna know!

I only just spotted this - did you already travel El_K?

If so, I would be very interested to know what impression you got about the UAE.

If not, can’t think what I would particularly recommend in Abu Dhabi, for more spectacular (if sometimes rather overblown tacky) sights you really need to visit Dubai.

At the moment it is pretty much nearly in full summer. 100F/40+C every day. High humidity - your hands will be wet and your sunglasses steam up as soon as you leave an air-conditioned room. Seawater is gloriously warm, like a warmish bath. No cold sting whatsoever as you enter it.

Depending on whether you shop at “western” mall or in the subcontinental-targeted souqs and discount stores, you can get everything from top dollar designer to dirt cheap knock off. Yes there are stores similar to Target. I have also heard that certain designer suits are cheaper here than in the UK.

Don’t bother with bespoke tailoring, it will just be a barrel of woes. They really cannot cope with western suit tailoring, sadly and surprisingly, given there are many talented tailors here. Ladies’ clothes, or shirts, you may have better luck.

My favourite mall in Abu Dhabi (though I haven’t really done them all in depth) is the Marina Mall. I just love it, it’s bright and spacious. City Centre I really like in Dubai. It’s very analogous in its store mix to a UK high street, save for discount stores, unlike ghastly Wafi Mall which is all hideous sequin encrusted boutiques frequented by rich arabs with a million times more money than taste.

For exchange rate: dirhams to dollars VERY roughly times by four, dirhams to pounds sterling more accurately times by five, dirhams to Australian dollars reasonably accurately double.