What's in NW Maine?

I was reading an article on Gizmodo, “Where Exactly Is the Middle of Nowhere?” and wondered exactly what is in that corner of Maine that makes it the middle of nowhere? It seems to be about 10%+ of the state. Here’s the original article with legend.


ETA: Well, as the article makes clear, they are coloring the map based on the distance of a given area from major roads. So the answer is there’s nothing much (besides yurts) in that corner of Maine because if there were, somebody would build a road there.

Just got back from there. That would be the North Maine Woods. There’s a lot of logging that goes on there, and a number of people own camps in the area, though they are few and far between. I stayed at a friend’s camp there for a week. Once you get through the gates, there is nothing but millions of acres of dirt roads and dense trees, with lots of river crossings. Cell phone and data service are non-existent. Our friend’s camp is a couple of miles from the Quebec border and takes about 2.5 hours of driving on dirt roads from north of Ashland, Maine to get to.

Yup, there’s logging and sport camps (hunting/fishing) and little else. The major roads (like the Golden Road) are private, owned by the logging companies. You have to pay to use them and logging trucks always have the right-of-way. I don’t know if the calculations in the original article include those as “roads”.

Good point. Anyone needing access to the camps (including camp owners) need to buy daily or annual passes to use the roads. This is done at a gate right where paved road transitions to dirt road.

Not much-basically forests, lakes, mountains. great fishing…but it really is almost uninhabited ()in the summer), even less in winter. The towns around lake Umbagog look like they belong to the last century-and there isn’t much to do after fishing…except drink.

But… I thought you couldn’t get thar from hare? :wink:

Marijuana growers.
Moose that grow marijuana…

That would be “Can’t get theah from heah.”

That’s way too comprehensible for Maine.

We bounced along the Golden Road a couple of years ago en route to the starting point of a canoe trip down the west branch of the Penobscot River. Our outfitter advised us to watch for logging trucks (approaching or passing) and to get the hell out of their way. The trucks go flying down the unpaved road at about 70 mph right down the center. :eek: