What's in your medicine cabinet?

Well let’s see, I’ve got my Glocks, my starlight scope, an infra-red sight for my vintage M3 carbine, a silver-plated Colt Buntline, a $25,000 Holland & Holland elephant gun, and a 16-gauge for ducks.

Oh, you said medicine cabinet. I thought you said something else.

Oh, wait a minute here, folks. You said the medicine cabinet. I didn’t count the three shelves that face my old tub. Hmmm… hang on a mo, let me go count just the number of shampoo bottles… seven. Add that same number of conditioner bottles. Then add about ten for the various “body washes”.

Girly girl that I am!

I don’t do any hard drugs or do make up or hair things but I apparently have an obsession about getting my hair and body clean! All I can say in my own defense (as the prosecutors line up before the Howitzer) is that I can’t use the same shampoo everyday. My hair is very long and very fine. EVERY shampoo builds up on it. I use a different one everyday of the week.

Hey, at least I don’t have a SHOE thing!

The moon looks on many flowers, the flowers on but one moon.

Anything disturbingly old [like this thread] found in the back of your medicine cabinet? I just found some Vicks VapoRub ointment manufactured December 1994, some gauze pads expired 1994, and a half-full bottle of tincture of iodine from the early 1980s. It all looks fine, too, except maybe I wouldn’t take my chances that the gauze is still sterile.