What's kibology?

a movement to keep James “Kibo” Parry’s ego fed…

(looks like the board software ate the OP)

A religion set up to debate the proper pronunciation of “Kibo”.

Answer: Lee-nukes.

It’s all about the ski boots.

Bah. Google, “kibology”.
Behold–'tis a movement to keep James “Kibo” Parry’s ego fed… :smiley:

The study of the history of kibble and its effects on human-pet realtionships?

Heh. I went to college with Kibo. In a comedy writing class, for a stand-up presentation we had to do, he got up in front of the class and put Spam down his pants and then danced on a petrified frog. He also once drank a bottle of windshield wiper fluid in front of a proffessor – turned out it was actually Kool-Aid Sharkberry punch, but it 'bout gave that poor woman a heart attack. He was always submitting things to Hyena, the school’s humor magazine, of which I was co-editor. Most of his stuff was so bizarre and unexplainable, there was no way we could print it. That, and it wasn’t very funny. At least not to us earthlings.

The fact that he’s become an internet legend still astounds me. Dude be wack.

Reminds me of the story of when the animators at Pixar were doing a sales pitch to Listerine – there were several bottles of Listerine on the meeting table, but the Pixar folks had secretly replaced the mouthwash with apple juice earlier. The Listerine folks nearly had a coronary when the Pixar folks opened several bottles and chugged them in unison. :smiley:



Also, check here for some actual information on Kibo and other “Net-legends”