What's on your Fucket List?

Why not do that now? What’s the advantage of waiting until you’re only a few weeks from death?

If I wanted to tell off my Dad, why would I wait? Or, if there are good reasons not to tell off my Dad, how does my upcoming death change those reasons? I guess if telling off my Dad means he cuts me off financially and even though I hate my Dad I love his money, it makes sense to shut my mouth. But what good is accomplished by telling him he’s an asshole and then dying?

You get the last word in, obviously.

I wasn’t thinking about it until now, but hot Aussie surfers, you say? That could be fun.

Sometimes it’s best to keep one’s mouth shut for one’s own sake. But dead in a month? There’d be pretty much nothing to lose then.

Is this something people really have a desire to do?

Don’t your heirs have to pay off your credit card debt?

I’d also sign up for a huge amount of life insurance for the wife and kids. Then quit work and spend my last month being with them every day after school. Go see as many national/state parks as possible with them before I die.

In chronological order:

Get laid one last time.

Start spending more money on food. I’m broke right now and so sick and tired of the same old poor-and-trying-to-be-healthy crap.

Buy life insurance. Set up some kind of foundation advocating on behalf of, and doing scientific research into the treatment of, adult survivors of severe child abuse suffering things like PTSD etc. Make this foundation the beneficiary.

Doom Stephen Harper to a slow and painful death, possibly by poisoning. Maybe find some way to arrange for an anonymous note to be waiting at his hospital bedside saying, “This is for what you did to Canada”. But that would take the planning and resources of a supervillain.

Sabotage as much highly-polluting infrastructure as possible. I’m not actually sure whether it would make a difference to future generations, but come on, I’ve only got a month to plan here!

Beat the living snot out of Sean Hannity, on the air if possible.

If your Dad is an asshole, there are two times to tell him he’s an asshole. Either right now, or never. If it’s not a good idea to tell him he’s an asshole today, why would it be a better time tomorrow? Either the world is a better place after you tell Dad he’s an asshole, or it isn’t. If it will be a better place, then tell him today. If it won’t be, then forget about it.

This is so lame I probably shouldn’t even admit it, but the first thing that came to mind was to get through as many of the books on my to read list as I could.

I am purely confused. What other reason is there?

Mmmmm … yes, yes it is.
Could you consider excoriating a few authors of second-rate books for wasting your time? Then read.

Deface Lincoln’s statue by painting it? Sure why not =)

Remember the shitstorm that sheik/prince/whatever got into in LA back in the 70s when he painted all the greek-ish statues around his mansion?


Peyote. Shrooms. LSD.

There’s a short list of people who’s testicles I’d try very hard to kick into their abdominal cavities.

Take all I have, find others that need or want it, give it to them.
End things on my terms.

The credit card company would have a right to pursue your estate for the balance, but if you go out with a huge debt and no assets, there’s not much left for them. Obviously, this works best if you’re single with no kids.

I believe that, if you’re married and if you ran up that debt during your marriage, your spouse might be on the hook for it, but i’m not really sure about how that works.

*I’d hire a lookalike Jeremy Renner and Joseph Gordon-Levitt to have a threesome for days.

*Try pot.

*Go to Hollywood and Disneyland on whatever money would normally go to rent / utilities / whatever.

*Come up with some way to make some homophobes pay. Sneak into the Phelps compound and call in a bomb threat and gay porn on all the computers or something.

*Break into a MLB park and slide into home.

*Let some animals about to be euthanized free.

*Gorge at the fanciest restaurant I could find on stuff I’ve never eaten before.

*Dress up as something bizarre and freak out anyone without a sense of humor.

*Ride in a hot air balloon.

Also vanity. Don’t wanna look like a crackhead.

A carton of American Spirits. Perhaps a few cigars.

I’d go and kil… oh, who am I kidding, I’d probably just sit at home and spend all my time programming stupid apps or programs I always meant to make but never bothered. And then lay down and let death come for me when I’m done with that. After saying goodbye to everyone I know.

Health? It’s the fact that these drugs destroy your future. If they didn’t, if they were perfectly safe, legal non addicting drugs that had identical mood/sense altering properties, people would take them all the time.

Get rid of my future… trying a drug doesn’t seem as idiotic as it does in real life. Just like a lot of other things we don’t do, because we want our lives to be livable in 5 years.