What's something that people claim happens a lot, but you have rarely, or never, witnessed it?

The first thing that comes to mind for me is people who say that strangers constantly walk up to them and tell them how well-behaved their kids are. If I’ve ever witnessed that, I’m not aware of it, and I learned not to do that as a teenager working at Target, because the parents would always reply, “Yeah, come back in 10 minutes and you’ll be singing another tune!”

Anyone else have their input?

“I read the Bible every day.” It must always be in private. The only time I ever see someone with a Bible in public, they’re either cradling it like a kitten or holding it aloft and pounding the cover. It’s a great prop, but I never see anybody using it like a book.

Women randomly taking off their tops at places that aren’t Mardi Gras.

Hell it probably doesn’t happen that much in Mardi Gras as I’ve never been so I can’t confirm.

People buying steaks/lobster with food stamps in line at the grocery store in front of them. Bonus points for loading them into their new Cadillac.

This should be in IMHO or MPSIMS.

I’m sure I’ll think of good examples to add later, but in response to your specific one, there is a large subset of the population whose brains automatically multiply positive comments about themselves by a factor of 10 or higher. So it could have happened once or twice, and throw in large portions of confirmation bias and compliment-fishing, and you get “people always come up to me to tell me how great I am.” Trust me, I had an ex-wife like that.

Someone legitimately breaking 90 on a golf course playing all official PGA rules.

ETA: Not counting at professional golf tournaments I attended, of course. I’m talking about weekend hackers like me.

The “War on Christmas”.

I’m not sure why you think that would be in public? My first thought would be it’s something they read at home before going to bed.

Yep. Since it’s basically an informal poll let’s move it to IMHO (from FQ).

I see people reading books in public every day, but never the one that’s supposed to be the best selling book in History. Is there there something special about the Bible that it needs to be read in private or at bedtime?

I have a small Bible in the glove box of my car. And my Bible is a full size one at home. It’s a Study Bible.

No, I don’t read the Bible every day. I should but I don’t. I have a handful of friends who do.

I kid you not, one time (more than 20 years ago) I’m turning into the side road that leads to my house and there was a car waiting to pull out on to the highway. It is a convertable, driven by some blonde that I’ve never seen before in my life. She pulls down her tube top, fondles herself for a couple of seconds, pulls it back up, and drives off. What made it exponentially more weird (and awkward) is that I wasn’t driving by myself, I was a passenger, and my mother was driving. So, really, what the actual fuck?

I sat next to a man on a planr who was reading a bible. On the cover he had stuck a sticker peeled off some other product that read OPEN IN CASE OF EMERGENCY.

I don’t know about constantly, but this has actually happened to me a few times.

Not that my son is always a perfect angel, but he usually does behave well in public.

I read or listen to the Bible regularly (not every day but close enough). Anecdote point here: I intentionally do it privately so I don’t come off like I’m doing a piety performance. That could be some of what you are seeing.

That’s probably not most of it though.

A ‘Don’t Panic’ sticker would be pretty funny.

I don’t read the bible, but I certainly think that many of those who do consider it a personal activity, not quite on the same level as reading this month’s Stephen King novel on the subway.


Maybe she was itchy.

I can’t remember ever paying attention enough to remember what the people in front of me were buying or how they were paying.

Maybe it wasn’t about you at all. Maybe she had an insect, or some bit of miscellaneous irritating crap, stuck in her bra and was trying to get it out. That’s a thing that happens. Most women look for somewhere private to remove it, at least if it’s not stinging at the time, but she may just have figured that even if somebody did see her she could drive off out of reach before they could harass her about it.