A lot of people hate this one, and I used to be one of them, but it’s grown on me, especially after hearing some of the songs live. A solid album, IMO. I voted for “Tongue”, though I imagine “What’s the Frequency, Kenneth?” will take this one.
I voted for “You”, but I also very much like, well, almost every track on this thing (“What’s the Frequency, Kenneth?” is a touch overplayed, but only a touch), which is a very different opinion than the one I had upon this album’s release (and for many years after). Automatic for the People, Part Deux this most certainly isn’t.
Darnit, for a second I thought someone had started a Steppenwolf poll!
Really. I was going to vote for “Power Play”.
Man, I hate this album, but Kenneth was a catchy song.
I voted for Crush with Eyeliner, great tune, but most of all for lines:
She’s a sad tomato
She’s three miles of bad road.
This album was a disappointment when it came out, but I’m going to take it out and see if it’s aged well.
Yet another album I know I have…somewhere…that isn’t in my iTunes. So it’s been awhile since I’ve listened to it. I voted for “Strange Currencies”, which I recall enjoying.
I had this CD sitting in my rack for years untouched. I found in the samples bin at a publication I worked for.
I pulled it out a few years ago and was sorry I didn’t play it sooner. Monster is one of my favorites. It’s in very heavy rotation for my daily commute.
I voted for Crush with Eyeliner, and second Blank Slate’s comment about the “sad tomato” lyric.
But I love the sound of that song, too. One of my favorite REM songs.
Just the guitar sound in Frequency should have won a grammy. I never knew REM had that in them.
There are no good songs on “Monster.”
The only REM album I despise unreservedly.
BTW, Kyla I own a copy of “Monster” that’s a bootleg I bought in Bulgaria.
Certainly their weakest album up to that point. I liked the sound but the songs just weren’t as good as their previous stuff. I went for I Don’t Sleep I Dream, one of the only two songs I really like (Bang and Blame being the other). Eyeliner, Frequency, Let Me In (mainly for being a Kurt Cobain memorial), King of Comedy, and Star 69 are OK.
But in comparison to their next four albums it looks like a work of genius.
Really? Because I still think that New Adventures in Hi-Fi is the last great album that R.E.M. recorded.
Bang and Blame. It’s one of my favorite R.E.M. songs of all.
I agree completely. I think if had to order them, New Adventures in Hi-Fi would rank in the top four or five. After that one, I won’t even vote in these polls. I gave the albums a chance, but it just wasn’t working for me.
To the OP, I hope when the individual album polls are done you’ll make one polling the best REM record.
I was going to vote, until I realsed I could only vote for ONE, which I simply couldn’t do. I like What’s the Frequency, Kenneth?, Crush, Let Me In, Strange Currencies, Bang… and Circus Envy. Great album, IMO.