What's the best way for someone under twenty one to get around Ireland?

I am trying to plan a trip to Ireland for this summer. The one thing my father just told me about was that you can’t rent a car if you’re under twenty one, so that raises the question of how the hell I’m going to get around. I need the cheapest and most versital means (I’m a student, so funds are limited). I want to stay for about three weeks, and I want to go as far as possible, if that helps at all. Thank you.

With or without a fridge?

You can take the buses and DART trains around Dublin… public transportation is pretty good there, but I’m not sure how far they’d be able to take you.

Bus Éireann tourist travel

Iarnrod Éireann (Irish Rail) tourist travel

Also, check with your local Council Travel for special student passes.

Not to mention getting a bicycle, if you have a lot of time and the inclination.
It is probably the best way to see Ireland, in a localised sense. If you are up for the grand tour though, this obviously won’t suit for any distance.

I was in Ireland when I was 19 for a semester. If you are in school you can get a letter from the school then get an ID card and you get big disconuts on bus and train fares. I think I paid 20 bucks 10 years ago but it saved a lot of money.

I could also suggest, and I did this a few times, hitchhicking. The people in Ireland were really friendly, though I do not suggest this for everyone.

Also staying in Hostels was a lot of fun, saved a ton of money, and you can meet some intersting people.

Buses are cheaper and more plentiful than trains for long-distance tracel. The trains are slower and less reliable than in other countries, though they’re still adequate.

Or you could join up with a tour group aimed at backpackers, which should be low budget. For example, PaddyWagon.