What's the deal with LSD?

I found that eating was essential to the trip. I tended to be quite active while doing LSD - running around outside, looking at things, etc. 10 hours of this tends to make you hungry. When you’re on acid, you won’t notice that you’re hungry, but if you do eat & drink you can just about cancel out that icky hangover the next day. I used to plan ahead, and have some real food in the house (ie, a sandwich ( a SIMPLE one, I can’t imagine eating a sub or something while tripping ) and some fruit.)

The other advantage to this is that it seemed to extend the trip somewhat. Or at least, we had more energy for a longer time.

YoU DrUgGgIes All SUCK DuDE!

Opal, I too have heard that it is harmless to the fetus, but I would never knowingly ingest it while pregnant, just as you wouldn’t, I’m sure.

I loved to drink beer while on acid - large, vast, big old quantities of beer. I mean, about twice my weight in beer. I couldn’t even dose up without two cases in the fridge.

I don’t recall ever recall getting hungry on acid, but we did eat because it was so different from eating any other time. My SO (now husband) always wanted to eat fruit, especially oranges. I mostly rolled those around on the floor. My friend April always wanted those viscious little Hot & Spicy Cheez-Its. Gag. Terrible with beer.

One night April and our friend Chris decided to make us all dinner while we were tripping and made us stay out of the kitchen. For hours it seemed they beat and banged around the kitchen, dirtying up pots and pans. We imagined the delicious feast they were preparing. Around daybreak came carrying it in. Nine soggy, half-frozen crinkle-cut French fries, no condiments. Boy, were they proud. We ate it anyway.

Tip: For hallucinations, try sensory deprivation while tripping. One of my best trips (visually and spiritually) was on 'shrooms in a windowless basement bedroom. No light, no sound, 72 degrees. Laid on the bed naked for 4 or 5 hours (who’s counting?)…traveled through galaxies, experienced being lightning, talked to different faces of God, time-traveled, etc…also saw, heard, and felt random kaleidoscopic designs. Wow.

By the way, before we get sucked into the myths again…someone made a reference to “the stuff on the street” being “cut with gawd knows what”…For LSD, stick with blotter. It should taste like nothing but paper. Good acid is both clean and powerful. Even “bad” acid is nothing to panic about: it may taste bitter, give a speedy high with teeth-grinding and visual tracers and not much else. No good for enlightenment, but it won’t hurt you. So-called “bad” acid is usually just old or poorly made, not some scary substance that evil mad scientists are gleefully poisoning innocent children with.

with regards to egkelly…it’s actually MDMA (methylenedioxy-n-methylamphetamine). Its effects are nothing like LSD. The only hallucinations I’ve heard about with MDMA were people who saw funny colors, but they had also smoked enough pot to give them these affects on it’s own.

Physiologically, mdma tells your brain to release its store of seratonin (not sure about the spelling, it’s basically what makes you happy). Negative affects can result from oxidation that can occur but this can be counteracted by taking vitamin e before the roll. Also, since it releases your seratonin, your moods can be unbalanced afterwards, small bouts of depression can arise. This can be helped if you take 5-HTP pills the next day to hepl balance moods and rebuild seratonin. If you try to roll before your seratonin has regenerated (2 weeks is the recommended safe break), you can really throw things off as well.

An ecstasy “roll” consists of a few parts. During the first part it’s an intoxication feeling. You’re kinda tipsy and things feel neat (This is the part most people hear about). After that for the remainder of the roll you’re just very open and happy.

As you can see these are hardly the affects of LSD. The “street version” of this drug isn’t dangerous assuming the contents are what they are said to be (MDMA and HCL as a binder). Some people say there is heroin in some pills but the heroin needed to have an effect on the user would cost more than the $20 or so that ecstasy costs.

There was a case where some guy made a batch of pills consisting of DXM (dextromethorphan or something like that…a hallucinogen found in many cough syrups). These particular pills contained a high enough dose to be dangerous, and from what I remember one person died from it. However, this isn’t a common occurence and for the most part you can trust ecstasy. Different batches (each batch has a unique color, shape, or picture on it…pretty cool actually) have somewhat different components and result in better or worse rolls than others, but it’ll still be safe, maybe just not as much fun.

obviously this entire post is way off from the original, but I just thought I would give eg (and whoever else may be interested) the facts.

whew…long digressive post that is

The only thing a nonconformist hates more than a conformist is another nonconformist who does not conform to the prevailing standards of nonconformity.

Ouch. That hurts man. Phish is going to be in my area for New Years, and I can’t go. :frowning: They’re playing a five day festival on an Indian reservation in the Everglades, and they will play ALL day and ALL night into the New Years morning. Not only am I sure there will be plenty of hallucinogens for sale there, but I know that Mother Nature is giving away plenty of shrooms for free in that particular area!

And I can’t go, being on call for Y2k and all. Not to mention that one-day tickets are not available, you can only buy the five-day ticket for somewhere between $150-$175 :frowning:

It would’ve been great if I could have gone, I haven’t done hallucinogens in years. What better way to bring in the New Year? In fact, one of my best experiences ever was out in the Everglades on 'shrooms, reading Huxley’s ‘Heaven and Hell’ and ‘Doors of Perception’. I was out there all day, when I started reading it was a beautiful day out with not a cloud in the sky, as the book progressed so did the weather, and a HUGE storm rolled in. I sought cover under a little pavillion and continued my reading without getting my book wet. It was great, almost everything I read in the book was materializing before my eyes. And soon I had to put the book away because it was raining so hard that the wind was blowing the rain in sideways and soaking me and my book. THEN the thunder and lightning began to rumble and flash and my trip was kicked into high gear! I had to stand up on a bench in order to keep from getting soaked by the sideways rain and it was then that a bolt of lightning actually hit the shelter I was under and I saw an amazing arc of electricity go down the ground wire. It was the first time I ever got to witness first hand the awesome power of nature and actually feel that power harnessed inside of me. I swear, for at least a month after that I was energized. No, not from the lightning, just from the experience. I felt more alive then ever that day, and the energy sort of carried over into everything I did for quite a while.

I’m a firm believer in the idea that every trip you take changes you in some way. And usually there’s one thought or one related group of thoughts that serve as the theme to any trip that you take. Any memories I have of past trips ALL bring to mind a predominant thought or feeling that was the focus of that trip, and I feel that I learned a lot and realized a lot of things I had never even thought of before. YMMV

Have any of you tried the more serious of the mexican hallucinegenic plants?

Hell is Other People.

What plants are you referring to? Ayahuasca? Salvia Divinorum? Psychedelic cacti?

Peyote doesn’t interest me. Why eat something that is guaranteed to make you vomit first, trip later?
I’ll skip the first part, thank you very much, and stick with 'shrooms or 'cid.

I am referring to the mescaline cactus peyote, Ololiuhqui and the various Salvia plants.

TennHippie - that’s one of the reasons I’ve avoided H. I think it’s an unfounded objection though, because the smackheads I’ve seen shoot up always vomit, but they usually seem to be really enjoying it - kind of a good vomit.

Hell is Other People.

About acid and beer: I once dosed up and went to a party with a mixed group, so I wasn’t keen on having a random group know I was tripping, so I began drinking beer to fit in with the crowd. After a few hours a guy I had been talking to on and off finally pulled me aside, “Did you dose or something? You’re on your 17th beer or something and you’re not drunk.” “D’oh!,” I said. Moral: Watch out when you drink beer on acid because although you don’t feel drunk, you are probably drinking far more than you can really metabolize (I start feeling sick long before 17) and you could poison yourself.

Many good replys. I’ve enjoyed reading them, reminiscing on my college days where I filled my brain with knowledge while destroying its cells on a regular basis, and loving every minute of it. My imput to some of the feedback; Excellent point about not drinking so much that you poison your system, although 17 beers it seems would have you flowing like a garden fountain, not staying in you long enough to seep into your blood stream. My favorite trips were indeed with friends in party situations back in the late 70’s when the acid was good and the weed was more reasonably priced. We were in our late teens and early 20’s. (I’d say the age(s) to begin tripping would be about then.) Mixing drugs was no problem for me, since it seemed like the strongest drug always dominated, almost canceling the others out, or so it seemed. Our party hopping was influenced by an combination of:nicotine, alcohol, cannabis sativa, cocaine and LSD (Lorenzo Se Duboise). The coke was not as frequent (expensive & we were broke college students)and the acid was sometimes substituted for mescaline, peyote, or mushrooms. Personally, I limited my trips to once a term. For 7 years. Waking and baking was every day, but that’s another story. I’m a cartoonist - go figure. I never really hallucinated on acid, other than the trails, but it is a drug that intensifies the senses. Sounds are everywhere, and if hearing is applied without drugs through meditation, yes, you can hear more than normally meets the ear in normal circumstances. Lots can be experimented at without drugs, but sometimes it takes drugs like LSD to unlock the Doors Of Perception. Yes, DEFINITELY STAY AWAY FROM LOOKING INTO MIRRORS. I spent a few hours doing that once. Or was it minutes? Or Days? Peyote is still my favorite, although Big Time Wrestling, live, on mescaline, is a tough one to top. Mescaline makes you laugh so hard it hurts. Mushrooms are the best hallucigins I’ve found, and acid IS like swallowing an IBM Machine (Hopper). Go where the natural stuff grows. Smoke it, eat it, with friends and alone. Moderation is the key, then you can always do it. Be careful who you get it from(check their shoes)

Interstellar Guano

Sake Samurai: You’ve made a couple of references to heroin, so let’s clear up a few things. Opiates and hallucinogens are not remotely similar in any way, except that they are both illegal. The intoxication from narcotics is depressive and purely visceral(basically, it just feelsreal good), although you may experience a little dreaminess…more like drowsiness. The intoxication from acid, etc. is sensory stimulating, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual(the experience is highly complex and very open to interpretation, influenced by many outside factors, etc.). Opiates (natural & synthetic) are highly addictive physically as well as psychologically. Hallucinogens can be psychologically addictive (like reading can), but never physically: though tolerance occurs, the body does not develop a need for the drug. The whole experience of these two classes of drugs is quite different. When you trip, reality is altered but* intensified*. When you do junk, reality is dulled, sometimes blocked out completely. It’s like the difference between lovemaking and carbon monoxide poisoning. I’m not knocking the opiates completely: they are great for killing pain. Yeah, they can be fun, too…just be careful not to make a habit of it. But for rejuvination, inspiration, soul revival: drop acid. Junk is for sleeping. 'Cid is for awakening.

I talk with lots of folks while they are tripping, as they are more receptive. Only problem is when they come down later, the message is pretty garbled. Keep trying.

TennHippie - do mushrooms not make you barf?




Tenn: thanks, I guess - I didn’t mean to insinuate that I was equating opiates with psychedelics. I’ve done morphine and am acutely aware of the dulling nature of the drug. I was the definition of undead on morphine - even had arms slashed up without feeling a damn thing.

My reason for bringing heroin into this discussion was out of a desire I have to experience the dreams that come after the drug starts to wear off. Several of my friend have told me that with my imagination and art, I HAVE to try it.

I am not expecting to hallucinate per se, but even the dreams I had on morphine were phenomenal, like visions, so I can’t imagine the power of heroin.

Hell is Other People.

Small dose - Maybe
Large dose - Probably

Expect intense feelings of nausea in the first hour after you eat shrooms. You might not puke, but you’ll feel like you want to.
Some strains of p. cubensis are more likely to make you puke than others. Marijuana will often help curb the nauseau.

Drink alcohol with mushrooms only if you have a cast iron stomach.

I think drinking alcohol with ANY psychedelic just ain’t right. It doesn’t fit the mood. Alcohol is loud, violent, and in-your-face. Psychedelics are quiet and introspective.
But then I was never a big fan of the 'ol hootch in the first place…

Wow, great thread guys. I, too, am a tripper, although it’s been about four years since my last time. I would do it in a heartbeat now if the conditions were right.

A couple of recommendations for the novice tripper: Get yourself a “guide”. I did this for a few people back in high school. I made sure to bring lots of trip toys, yummy snacks and had plans for place to go where there weren’t many people but lots of fun things to do. I could also tell if the people were in the right mood or not.

Second recommendation: Mexi-Melts from Taco Bell. These are very good. Eat them on acid. Do it. :wink:

“Teaching without words and work without doing are understood by very few.”
-Tao Te Ching

Anybody come across any ‘legal’ highs that are worth a damn? A friend of mine told me about some seed that he’d boil to remove a toxin and then eat the seeds for a very pleasant buzz…goldenrod?? I can’t remember.