What's the deal with LSD?

jane_says: No, I’ve never barfed from eating shrooms…and I’ve eaten quite a lot. I have experienced a very slight queasiness, but only when eating large amounts dry. My favorite way to take them is in tea: personal faves sassafras or Sleepy Time. But don’t boil them; just allow them to steep in the tea after it’s made. A little honey is nice. Eat them, too, after they soften in the tea-- no nausea, I guarantee.

puffington: I agree, it always felt kind of “wrong” to drink booze while tripping. And I’m an alcoholic, so that’s saying a lot! I usually only drank when I was coming down.

GasDr: You must be thinking of Morning Glory seeds. It’s funny: they have cosmic names, too: Heavenly Blue, Flying Saucers, etc. Anyway, I’ve done it and it’s not worth the trouble. You soak the seeds overnight and rinse well to get rid of the toxins they spray on them to discourage this.
Then grind them up, let them soak another 12 hours or so (about 8 to 12 packets’ worth)in a couple cups of water. Then you strain the water off and drink it. It tastes god-awful and yes, you want to puke. I didn’t, but might as well have. Then about an hour later, you’ll get that vague pre-trip anticipatory feeling: slightly stimulating, a little jittery. That lasts for about 2 hours and then it goes away. That’s it. It’s just a tease. They should leave off the poison and just say “Go ahead. But you’ll get more visuals if you just plant the things.”