What's the deal with Red Bull?

Do people actually drink this for the tast? I thought it was for the partying stamina.

Call me crazy, but I love Red Bull, and I’d drink it even if it were just a regular soda. I have one every day; we sell it behind the bar, so I have a ritual where I go into work, buy a Red Bull, shove it in the ice, and wait for it to reach Critical Cold.

Then I open it, put a straw in it, take a big slurp, and shove it back in the ice. Repeat til gone.

I also love it with vodka.

I actually like Red Bull. I first tried it in Europe about 3 years ago, and was thrilled that they decided to bring it to the American market.

I’ve also found that it’s an excellent hangover cure.

ahhh Red Bull, makes me feel so alive!!

Red bull and Haribo; when there’s no time for sleep or food.

I don’t mind Red Bull’s taste, but I don’t think it does much for me.

Apparently, it originated in (I think) Thailand, in a different form. Cite is a friend whose martial arts instructor had a case of the Thai version at his class.

They are promoting the sugar-free version now, which is just dumb; if you’re going to spike yourself with stimulants, a little sugar is probably a good idea.

No way, Mangetout. I love the sugar free stuff. I love caffeine but I hate drinking beverages with sugar in them. Sugar free Red Bull is a godsend for me.

I actually drink Red Bull for the taste. I started drinking it back when I was on an alcohol fast, so there hasn’t been a connection with vodka until recently.

In addition, when I discovered it I lived in a touchy-feely dorm, and every time I’d buy a case of regular soda, roommates, roommates’ boyfriends, random people from the hall, and neighbors would slurk up half the case by the end of the day. EVERYONE else, however, hated Red Bull, so I never had to worry about anyone stealing cans of it. :smiley:

The sugar-free version, I think, tastes really chemical, but I know several people whose blood is practically composed of it.

And the freaky thing is that I’m one of the people Daowajan referred to at the end of her post, and she didn’t know I posted before her! :eek:

For the record, Cecil speaks: Can you feed dogs and cats a vegetarian diet?

Personally, I’ve only tasted Red Bull once or twice, but I thought it was delicious. I have no need of extra energy, though, so I’ll stick to my ginger ale. And beer.

I had to read that twice.


I work for a distribution company that sells Red Bull. 5 drivers just for that,100-200 cases a day each. I can’t stand the taste and have little need for MORE energy.

I like the taste about like I like the taste of a vodka gimlet, or other palatable-yet-not-tasty drink. It does the trick to keep me on the road when I’m driving long hours. I lived on the stuff during my 5,000 miles of road tripping in May. It’s also a good alternative when I don’t quite have the energy, but want to go out anyway.

Day-to-day, I try to stick to good old coffee.

What do you get when you mix Red Bull with vodka?

A Bull-Dozer!

(get it?)

All I know is eight Red Bulls and Britney’s taking off her pants.

Doesn’t do anything for me. Nothing. Then again, caffeine doesn’t do anything for me, either. I can chug several cups of bottom-of-the-carafe 100 mile coffee at a Petro, with little or no effect whatsoever.

Maybe it has something to do with the ADD.

I love Red Bull, basically because it gives me another couple of hours of drinking (liquor, that is).

And I’ve come to love the taste, incidentally.

I drink it sometimes, mainly to give me a boost. For me the taste alone isn’t good enough to justify buying it though.

Lots of redbull vodkas do make me go loopy though. There’s an embarassing story about me after a night in a bar with a special offer on double vodka and redbulls, involving me trying to break into my own house (when i had keys on me), and the police (who i called when i set the burglar alarm off, thinking someone was breaking into my house).

It did originate in Thailand, where it was called LIPO (pronounced Lee Po). When the beach resorts first started to get fridges you’d always see these little square bottles tucked in the back.

Back then only the Thai’s used it, as a pick me up to get them through a 16hr work day.

It wasn’t long before the party animals flocking to the blossoming beach resorts picked it up as a way to dance all night or improve your performance with the ladies, y’know when it’s late and you’ve been drinking etc. All the printing was in Thai and it was sort of a way to go a little native.

And where the Thai’s used it with restraint the westerners adopted it as yet another party drug to use to excess.

The worst stories are always from people who had the wisdom to give it a miss, when sober, only to be persuaded, when hammered.

Eventually they all end up drunker than they’ve ever been with no hope of passing out.

All that said, the fellow who owns this product, is the first Thai to make it onto the worlds 500 Richest…blah, blah, something or other.

And the Thai’s couldn’t be prouder, they feel they have arrived as a result!