What's the highest number of times you've seen a movie in the theater?

Raiders of Lost Ark - 8 times

This is true. While there are only a handful of movies I’ve seen even twice in a theatre, there are dozens of movies I’ve watched multiple times at home.

I’ve seen Poseidon Adventure at least 10 times in the theatre, and Towering Inferno about five.

This was back in the 70’s when movies lasted a couple of years or even more in cinemas. PA came on the telly a few weeks ago and I watched it again.

Oh my, that was a baaaaad movie. :smiley:

I’ve seen Jurassic Park probably around 10 times in the theater. When it first came out I fell in love with it, and proceeded to go every week for an entire summer to catch the matinee. I still love it.

The Avengers I’ve seen three or four times.

Another vote for Rocky Horror. Probably half a dozen times or so. Rarely if ever while sober.

Rocky Horror for me, too. I stopped counting at 75 times. Other that that, the original Star Wars, 6 times.

2001, 13 or 14 times (I lost count). Star Wars, 6 or 7 times (but it ran for something like 14 months). There might be one or two other movies I saw twice, but I can’t bring them to mind.

I think I’ve seen The Kids Are Alright 4 times in a theater.

The only movies I can remember seeing even twice are Annie (hey, I was 5) and Jurassic Park.

Twice–it was a late 90s James Bond movie, I think Tomorrow Never Dies.

*Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves * (the one with Kevin Costner)… seven times. I thought it was good, but my girlfriend at the time thought it was GREAT (she loved the whole medieval thing). We went to the movies almost every week. For a couple of months, it seemed like there was nothing better showing. After the 3rd or 4th time it became more of a “hey, wouldn’t it be CRAZY if we saw it AGAIN?!”

With the price of movies today, I can’t imagine any circumstances or any movie so good that I would pay more than once to see it in the theater, especially when you don’t have to wait that long before it comes out on DVD.

I quit counting Rocky Horror in the 30s.

I saw Star Wars 19 times in the theater when it was released in 1977.

For non-regular films, The Rocky Horror Picture show beats that, I’m sure.

I saw The Lion King twice, and once in the Imax theater.

Star Wars 100+ (theater and Drive-In). I was craaaaaazy obsessed!

The Matrix 39 (I tried to make 40 but it didn’t happen “thanks” to Austin Powers kicking the last showing out of its theater.

At least 5-10, several. Fellowship of the Ring, Moulin Rouge, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, O Brother, Where Art Thou?, Attack The Block, Titanic, The Fall, There Will Be Blood, 2001, Lawrence of Arabia (I catch retrospectives whenever possible) and Tommy are ones I can remember off the top of my head. I know there’s more.

2-5, way too many to mention.

I see too many movies nowadays to see even favorites mega multiple times, though I did see Spring Breakers 4 times last year. Searching for Sugar Man 3 times. I saw Blackfish, No, Warm Bodies, The Bling Ring, The Way, Way Back, 20 Feet From Stardom, Gravity, Thor: The Dark World and Philomena twice. There were a lot more I wanted to see again but it didn’t happen. I’m hoping Oscar nominations will bring some movies back so I can see them again, like All Is Lost and Blue Jasmine. I’m going to see Catching Fire again next week. I hope to see American Hustle, Her and Nebraska again before they disappear.

Movies on VHS/DVD and cable are a whole different realm. There are dozens I’ve seen god knows how many times, like Brazil, Local Hero, Never Cry Wolf, One From The Heart, Return To Oz, The Cotton Club, Bliss, The Big Labowski, Raising Arizona, Once Upon A Time In The West, The Treasure Of The Sierra Madre and others.
My dad is one of these people who thinks that, once you’ve seen a movie, you never, ever ever have to see it again, no matter how much you like it. He doesn’t seem to feel that way about eating steak or chocolate, riding roller coasters or listening to songs he likes but I don’t see the difference. I like seeing movies I like more than once.

I saw The Matrix three times. The first time was a disaster - a couple brought their baby and it wouldn’t stop crying and they had a loud and protracted argument about who should take the baby outside, with everyone yelling at them. Management came and they both started yelling at them. Finally the father took the baby out, and then the film broke and they cut a section out. It was hilarious - the film broke as Neo and Morpheus go to see the Oracle and they started it again as they’re leaving, so no “there is no spoon” scene or Neo thinking he’s not the one. They gave us vouchers, which is how I saw it the second time. The third time was a friend who hadn’t seen it yet, months later.

Six times, for the original Star Wars in the summer of 1977 when it was first released.

It was an amazing movie, and yet, earlier in the year when I saw the previews for it I thought it was going to be a dumb movie!

Probably Fantasia. I don’t know the exact number. Maybe 7 times.

2001 maybe 6 times.

For each of the movies, I probably sat through 2 showings on two occasions (around 1970).

Rocky Horror = 71 times

Raiders Of The Lost Ark = 14 times

I saw Dreddthree times in cinema. I would have seen it a fourth time, but they stopped showing it at my local cinema. I live in a country where the character isn’t very famous so very few people watched it.