What's the Largest US City With "East" In Its Name?

I was wondering what are the largest cities with direction indicators in their city name

A quick glance at the US Census of cities over 100,000 gives me (US Census 2007 populaton estimates)

North Las Vegas, NV (212,114) Rank 94

West Valley, UT (122,374) Rank 196

South Bend, IN (104,069) Rank 242

But there are no cities over 100,000 with populations over 100,000

Any ideas, I can only think of East Orange New Jersey with 69,824.

Any city with East in it’s title bigger than that.

I’m thinking of cities with the directional title being a seperate word. For instance not a city like Westminster.

It’s unincorporated, but how about East Los Angeles? Population 124,283.


Umm…say again? :wink:

My first thought was East L.A. as well. There’s also East St. Louis, with a mere population of ~32,000, but historically it was twice that size.

Nitpick: it’s West Valley City, UT.

This page has all US cities over 50K in the last census and East Orange is the only one there with East in its name. East LA is bigger, but it’s not incorporated, so it’s not in the list. So unless some other East-city has grown really fast since 2000, East Orange is it.

The city anthem of Orange is titled: You’d Make a Peach of a Pair When It’s Apple Blossom Time In Orange, NJ."

Wow, is East St. Louis that small now? I haven’t been there in a number of decades, and I am quite stunned. The last time I was there it was a tough city but growing.

Poking around Wikipedia has netted me a few more cities with “East” in their names and populations above 25,000:[ul][li]East Providence, RI, pop. 49k.[]East Lansing, MI, pop. 47k.[]East Point, GA, pop. 40k.[]East Chicago, IN, pop. 32k.[]East Cleveland, OH, pop. 27k (though given the population trends on the Wiki page, this may be below 25k now.)[/ul][/li]East Orange is still the largest, though (or East L.A. if we’re counting it.)


Since we answered this we should expand this to include cities world wide

What’s the biggest North, South, East and West city world wide?


East St. Louis is currently counted at 30k by Wikipedia, though the total area of the St. Louis metropolitan region located in Illinois (known as Metro-East) is home to around 500k.

Need they be named in English?

Nope as long as it translates to East, West, North or South

Eastpointe MI at 32k should also be on this list.

In the spirit of “East”, I’ll nominate East London, South Africa.

“East London today has a population of 250,000, with over 700,000 in the metropolitan area.”

Oostburg, Netherlands 18,000

Oostburg, Wisconsin 2,900

East Oostburg, Wisconsin (unincorporated) maybe 30 (probably the largest town in the world that uses a term for ‘east’ in its name twice, but in two different languages)

No industry, no retail, no health care, no unincorporated area to annex and a decrepit housing stock. The number one employer and tax revenue producer in East St. Louis is a casino.

Tokyo is Japanese for East Capital. As the largest city in the world, I think that’s a pretty good candidate.

I used to live in Palmerston North, New Zealand, which has a population of nearly 80,000.

The “North” suffix was originally added to distinguish it from Palmerston, which currently only has about 1,000 residents.

I wouldn’t be at all surprised. I live just a few miles away, and it’s slowly dying. A benighted city and a textbook example of urban pathology, alas.

Nowhere near first place, but don’t forget Easton, PA.